Digital Aalto

Data literacy for Aalto teams

Developing data literacy in a team primarily means learning together, sharing knowledge and collaborating.

Data literacy is also needed at the team level  

Team-level data literacy refers to the ability to understand and process information related to team activities and decision-making. This includes, but is not limited to, the ability to collect, evaluate, process, interpret, and combine information from a variety of sources, such as reports, statistics, graphics, and other visual representations. The team may also have different roles and responsibilities in terms of data literacy, for example, related to data management or the development of analytics. 

Good data literacy helps the team make better decisions because it enables informed decision-making. In addition, it helps the team to better understand their own activities and develop them further. 

Data literacy steps for Aalto teams

    We think about data. Image of a cloud with water over it.

    We think about data 

    Our team is interested in data. We discuss and understand how data can support our work. We know the data sources relevant to our work. We share existing data, reports and dashboards in our team.

    We understand data. Image of a speech bubble with water over it.

    We understand data

    We utilise data in our daily work. We are familiar with all the tools needed in our team. We take good care of our master data. We combine data sources effectively. We share data, reports, and dashboards to others.

    We love data. Image of a heart with water over it.

    We love data

    We experiment with data. We develop data beyond the existing tools. We measure and develop data quality. We combine data from different domains. We create and deliver new analytics.

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