Department of Computer Science


The group develops and utilises high-performance computing tools for simulating and analysing data from complex (astro)physical systems, such as turbulent fluids, the Sun, interstellar matter in galaxies. The developed methods include simulation tools accelerated with graphics processing units, and data-analysis tools employing machine learning. Our current projects aim at understanding, predicting, and mitigating the harmful effects from solar magnetic activity (ERC consolidator grant UniSDyn, ERC proof-of-concept grant SYCOS).
Model of the Sun from PRACE project INTERDYNS
Solar convection zone modelled in the PRACE project INTERDYNS. Simulations were performed with the Pencil Code. Image copyright Ameya Prabhu.


Astroinformatics research group news

ReSolve CoE (Astroinformatics research group) determined magnetic helicity spectrum
Department of Computer Science

Evidence of turbulent dynamo action in the Sun

Astroinformatics research group has determined magnetic helicity spectrum from the solar surface observations using the recently developed two-scale formalism.
Figure 1. Butterfly diagram of f-mode energy variations, computed from collapsed ring diagrams. The temporal average has been subtracted from the data, and is shown as the black line in the right panel. Its error bars represent the time-averaged standard deviation of the fluctuations of the f-mode energy around the signal for every bin.
Department of Computer Science

Surface gravity oscillation mode shows remarkable solar cycle dependence

12 years of satellite data was used to reveal an enigmatic behaviour of the surface-gravity wave energy contained in the most quiet regions on solar surface.
Turbulence at high Reynolds number in solar-like conditions. Image credit: Jörn Warnecke, MPS
Department of Computer Science

LUMI-G pilot

VISSI-project was selected as LUMI-G pilot
Simulated supernova remnant gas density with turbulent shell
Department of Computer Science

Dust destruction in Supernova blast waves

A supernova explosion blasts hot supersonic plasma, destroying more interstellar dust in its path than fits current theory or observations of dust abundances in early galaxies.


Latest publications

Transition from small-scale to large-scale dynamo in a supernova-driven, multiphase medium

Frederick A. Gent, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Maarit J. Korpi-Lagg 2024 The Astrophysical Journal

From convective stellar dynamo simulations to Zeeman-Doppler images

T. Hackman, O. Kochukhov, M. Viviani, J. Warnecke, M. J. Korpi-Lagg, J. J. Lehtinen 2024 Astronomy and Astrophysics

Supernova dust destruction in the magnetized turbulent ISM

Florian Kirschlager, Lars Mattsson, Frederick Gent 2024 Nature Communications

Nonlinear magnetic buoyancy instability and turbulent dynamo

Yasin Qazi, Anvar Shukurov, Devika Tharakkal, Frederick A. Gent, Abhijit B. Bendre 2024 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Socio-economic pandemic modelling : case of Spain

Jan E. Snellman, Nadia L. Barreiro, Rafael A. Barrio, Cecilia I. Ventura, Tzipe Govezensky, Kimmo K. Kaski, Maarit J. Korpi-Lagg 2024 Scientific Reports

SOMA : Observability, monitoring, and in situ analytics for exascale applications

Dewi Yokelson, Oskar Lappi, Srinivasan Ramesh, Miikka S. Väisälä, Kevin Huck, Touko Puro, Boyana Norris, Maarit Korpi-Lagg, Keijo Heljanko, Allen D. Malony 2024 Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience

The Small-scale Dynamo in a Multiphase Supernova-driven Medium

Frederick A. Gent, Mordecai Mark Mac Low, Maarit J. Korpi-Lagg, Nishant K. Singh 2023 Astrophysical Journal

Small-Scale Dynamos : From Idealized Models to Solar and Stellar Applications

Matthias Rempel, Tanayveer Bhatia, Luis Bellot Rubio, Maarit J. Korpi-Lagg 2023 Space Science Reviews

Steady states of the Parker instability

Devika Tharakkal, Anvar Shukurov, Frederick A. Gent, Graeme R. Sarson, Andrew P. Snodin, Luiz Felippe S. Rodrigues 2023 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Steady states of the Parker instability : the effects of rotation

Devika Tharakkal, Anvar Shukurov, Frederick A. Gent, Graeme R. Sarson, Andrew Snodin 2023 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
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