Department of Art

Teacher education development projects

Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) established the Teacher Education Forum 2016 to reform Finnish teacher education. The Forum members are professionals and experts of learning, teaching and education, and the second term of the Forum will end 2022. Professor Martti Raevaara is a representative of Aalto University in the Forum.

The first task of the Forum was to draw up the Teacher Education Development Programme. The Programme outlines the objectives and actions by which Finnish teacher education will stay strong, attractive and internationally valued. MEC allocated a competitive based funding to teacher education development projects to support the implementation of the Programme, totally about 27 M€.

Art Education degree programme is a partner in six coalitions and development projects, having a key role in three of those. Furthermore, we are a partner in a new project funded by the Finish National Agency for Education.

The key ongoing projects:

Gross-disciplinary learning in upper secondary school – innovation, insight and change (OROL), 2018-2021

In the project, Aalto University and Tampere University as well as upper secondary schools of Espoo and Tampere cities, explore and pilot various models for interdisciplinary studies and co-operation between upper secondary schools and external partners. Experiences and results will be composed and published as 'scalable models' to support the development of teacher education and upper secondary education.

OROL-logo. Suuri teksti (OROL) keltainen ja liila liukuväri tumman tekstin taustalla

OROL (external link)

Gross-disciplinary learning in upper secondary school – innovation, insight and change (OROL), 2018-2021

National Network for Developing Assessment Literacy, KAARO, 2018-2021

The members of KAARO Network are University of Helsinki (coordinator), Aalto University, University of Eastern Finland, University of Oulu, University of Lapland and Åbo Akademi and eNorssi network. KAARO Aalto subproject Aalto University together with art teacher in metropolitan area examine the characteristics and good practices of the assessment in art education. The project focuses especially on the development of assessment literacy (e.g. methods and criteria) in the upper secondary school Diploma in Visual Arts. The goal is to enhance the role of the Diploma as a part of the final assessment in upper secondary school and the matriculation examination as well. KAARO Aalto subproject is implemented in collaboration with University of Lapland and their art teacher partners (KAARO Lappi).

KAARO-logo. 6-kulmainen kolmioista muodostuva logo.

KAARO (external link)

National Network for Developing Assessment Literacy, KAARO, 2018-2021

Let's Develop Assessment Together! (KAY!), 2020-2021

KAY!  is a new project by the National Network for Developing Assessment Literacy (KAARO). The project supports implementation and deployment of the new assessment policies in basic education. KAARO Network will implement continuing education courses for subject teacher in secondary schools all over in Finland. Aalto University and University of Lapland are in charge of arts and crafts disciplines. We design and implement, together with other experts and professionals in the field, continual education courses focused on themes relevant to the new assessment policies of arts and crafts disciplines.

Valkoinen teksti vihreällä pohjalla: Kehitetään arviointia yhdessä !

KAY! project (external link)

Let's Develop Assessment Together! (KAY!), 2020-2021

The Arts Building the Future of Learning (TaiTu), 2017-2021

The project partners are University of Arts (coordinator), Aalto University, University of Turku, University of Tampere, University of Helsinki and Häme University of Applied Sciences. The project examines the characteristics of pedagogies in the arts and crafts disciplines and explore solutions and models, which support the development and implementation of art pedagogy, art-based methods and multidisciplinary approach in teacher education. The special focus is on the study module of the teacher’s pedagogical studies, included in both music and art teacher education. The teacher education programmes will develop and share experiences, good practices and operational models in workshops, seminars and publications.

Pinkki TaiTu hankkeen logo valkoista taustaa vasten

TaiTu (external link)

The Arts Building the Future of Learning (TaiTu), 2017-2021

For more information about the projects, please contact:

Martti Raevaara

Professor of Art Education

Martti Raevaara
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