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Awarding a bachelor’s or master’s degree with honours

Awarding a bachelor’s or master’s degree with honours

Decision of the Aalto University Academic Affairs Committee 16 November 2021 
In accordance with the Degree Regulations for Bachelor´s and Master´s Degrees (sections 6 and 9), Aalto University issues the following provisions

Awarding a bachelor’s or master’s degree with honours

Students who, in the course of their studies towards either the bachelor’s or master’s degree, have shown excellent knowledge of the field as well as exceptional maturity and sense of judgment in the thesis may have this recognised in their degree certificate with the phrase ‘completed with honours’. The decision regarding awarding a degree with honours rests with the school.

In the field of technology a degree may be awarded with honours if the weighted average grade of the studies (with the thesis) included in the degree is at least 4.00 and if the thesis grade is 4 or 5.

In the field of economics and business administration a degree may be awarded with honours if the weighted average grade of the studies (with the thesis) included in the degree is at least 4.50.
If the thesis included in the degree has been graded on a grading scale other than the scale from 0 to 5, the thesis will be taken into calculation in accordance with provisions that were in force before this regulation entered into force.

Language versions of the commendations:
(su) Tutkinto on suoritettu erinomaisesti.
(sv) Examen har avlagts med utmärkta insikter.
(en) The degree was completed with honours.

This decision will enter into force concerning the degrees awarded in the field of technology and in the fields of economics and business administration as of 1 December 2021.

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