Aalto University

III Our responsibility to act ethically / part 1

Our teachers have the freedom to teach, researchers have the freedom to research and students have the freedom to learn. Our responsibility to act ethically is the third pillar in Aalto University’s Code of Conduct. See also section 2 of this pillar.
Academic freedom

We operate with a high international standard of research, artistic activities and education that conforms with ethical principles and responsible research conduct.

Academic freedom

Our teachers have the freedom to teach, researchers have the freedom to research and students have the freedom to learn. The intellectual freedom of research, art, teaching and learning go hand in hand with responsibility. Each community member must act consistently with the requirements set down in our Code and other Aalto regulations and policies issued to guide working and learning at Aalto. We recognise the fundamental principles of Magna Charta Universitatum 2020.

Responsible conduct of research

We always use the best practices for the responsible conduct of research. Acts of plagiarism, misrepresentation, fabrication, falsification of data or other misconduct are not acceptable. All research is conducted in strict compliance with the applicable policies and procedures of good scientific practice in ‘Responsible conduct of research and procedures for handling allegations of misconduct in Finland’, published by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK. Responsible artistic practice involves many of the same elements as responsible research conduct.

Openness and responsibility in communication

We promote openness and foster open academic discourse in our learning and working environment as well as in interactions with our partners, stakeholders and the media. As employees of Aalto University we should exercise good and ethical judgement in any public comment or activity, including on social media. We understand our duty to be clear about whether we are acting in a personal or professional capacity in all our public activities.

Part 2 of pillar IIIdiscusses conflicts of interest, anti-corruption and gifts and hospitality.

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