Aalto University Open University

Minor in Business Analytics

Minor studies in Business Analytics offer an overview of the application of advanced analytics techniques - such as mathematical modelling, statistics, and machine learning – in business contexts. Students gain an understanding on how analytics and data can help business in their forecasting, planning and decision-making problems and learn the fundamentals of developing and deploying analytics solutions to these problems. Topics covered include mathematical optimization, statistical forecasting, decision analysis, machine learning, and simulation.
Aalto University / School of Business / Department of Information and Service Management / Management Science

Target group: All Aalto master's students & open university students who have sufficient background knowledge on the topics/themes covered

Application procedure: Anyone can choose this minor. However, many courses have limited number of seats for open university students. You should pay attention to the course-specific prerequisites and make sure you meet them in order to succeed in the courses.

Content and structure of the minor in Business Analytics


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