Study options

Screenwriting - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The aim of the master’s degree studies in Screenwriting for Film and Television is to strengthen the student’s artistic skills, competence and ability to build their individual expression in film narrative. The student learns to apply their skills to production-related processes and group work and becomes capable of performing long-term, independent work.
Two students sorting post-it notes on the wall.


Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Application period:

30 Nov 2023 – 2 Jan 2024

Language of instruction:



2 years, full-time


Relevant Bachelor's degree

Field of study:

Art and Design


120 ECTS

Organising school:

School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Applying to master’s programmes


The aim of the master’s degree studies in Screenwriting for Film and Television is to strengthen the student’s artistic skills, competence and ability to build their individual expression in film narrative. The student learns to apply their skills to production-related processes and group work and becomes capable of performing long-term, independent work. The studies emphasize the importance of personal time management and stress tolerance.

Students become familiar with the entire process of film and television production, the many possible roles and tasks of screenwriters and the practices and the kinds of agreements used in the field. The master’s degree student will become familiar with the central theoretical questions of screenwriting for film and be able to conduct relevant research. The student may also choose to focus on screenwriting for film or for television.

The aim of the Master's Degree Programme in Screenwriting for Film and Television is to strengthen the student's individual expression, skills in writing for film and the abilities required in artistic and production-related process work and group work. Master’s students become familiar with the central theoretical questions in the field and its research.

Major's intended learning outcomes:

A student who graduates from the major in Screenwriting

  • can conceive, build and develop quality film and television scripts
  • is able to create personal and original artistic works
  • knows the craft and tradition of film dramaturgy and is able to create new working methods and techniques
  • can work in a long term projects, both independently and as part of a team, including in specialist, consulting and leadership positions
  • knows the different professional roles of screenwriters and the legal issues and practices of the profession
  • knows the artistic and production processes of film and television from a screenwriter's point of view and can develop them
  • knows the main theoretical issues of screenwriting and has the ability to carry out research activities and third cycle studies

Language of instruction

The language of instruction in the Master’s Programme in Film and Television, major in Screenwriting is Finnish (or Swedish). However, part of the courses are taught in English. The degree can be completed in English.

Tuition fees and scholarships

The tuition fee for this programme is 20 000 euros per academic year. Citizens of European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland do not pay tuition fees. Citizens of other countries must pay tuition fees.

Aalto University offers a small number of scholarships in the form of tuition fee waivers to fee-paying students. Scholarships can be awarded to the highest-achieving applicants based on the programme's evaluation criteria. Applicants are ranked according to the criteria outlined on the programme's webpage.

More information on tuition fees and scholarships at Aalto University is available at the Scholarships and Tuition Fees webpage.

Structure of studies

The Master’s degree studies in Screenwriting for Film and Television consist of advanced studies in screenwriting, elective studies, and general studies in the Master’s Programme in Film and Television. Over the course of the studies, the student may choose to focus on film or television and select courses from the course catalogue to support this focus.

In the advanced studies of the major subject, the student learns screenwriting for different forms and genres of film and television. As is the practice in the field, gradual progress and feedback are integrated into the working methods of screenwriting courses, which are organised both as individual projects and group work.  Studies in the theory of screenwriting support the writing work and provide broader perspectives into the tradition and future of the field. The cornerstone of the education is to enable the development of the student’s individual expression and creative personality. The elective studies included in the student’s personal study plan are selected in a way that supports this goal. In addition to the student’s major, elective studies can also be selected from other major subjects at Aalto University or other universities. In the general studies of Film and Television, students familiarise themselves with entire field of film and television producing, and its various job descriptions and practices from both an artistic and production perspective. General studies also include theoretical studies that encourage holistic artistic reflection and that are related to creator-oriented research.

For the master’s thesis, the student prepares an artistically high-quality screenplay either as an independent project or by working as a screenwriter in a joint thesis film created by a student group in the field of film and production design. The thesis work also includes a research section in which students address a topic that they find relevant both to themselves personally and to the field of screenwriting.

More information on the programme content and curriculum can be found in the Student guide.

Master's Programme in Film and Television


Specialisation is built mainly through advanced studies, where students may choose courses.


International visiting teachers, projects, seminars, workshops and festival participation are part of the curriculum of the major. Exchange studies enable students to familiarise themselves with international education and operational environments over a longer period of time.

Further study opportunities

The programme qualifies for doctoral studies in an applicable field. More information on the Aalto Doctoral Programme in Arts, Design and Architecture: Doctoral programmes.

Career opportunities

Most film and television screenwriters work as freelancers participating in a versatile range of film, television and audiovisual productions. Screenwriters can also apply their competence to related fields such as radio, documentary films and other media content creation.

Research focus

The research in this programme is linked to several focus areas in the School of Arts, Design and Architecture.

Co-operation with other parties

Aalto University and the majors involved in the programme collaborate with many high-quality universities worldwide.

The student can take advantage of the studies within other Aalto University Schools, studies under the flexible study right agreement (JOO) within other universities as well as the major's international connections and student exchange possibilities.

Study-option-specific evaluation criteria in 2025 Master’s admissions

We value the following skills and competences: an understanding of drama, visual storytelling ability, process work skills, group work skills, understanding details as well as the bigger picture, and a readiness to observe, recognise, and create special and important works in the field of screenwriting for film and television.

Applicants meeting Aalto’s general eligibility criteria for master's studies will be evaluated and ranked according to the evaluation criteria that has been decided in advance for each study option. Applicants without a previous degree or with a degree from another field are taken into account.

The applications to Master’s programme in Film and Television - Screenwriting will be evaluated based on the following criteria.

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Contact information

Learning services of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture

For enquiries regarding programme-specific application documents or studies in the programme, please contact Aalto ARTS Learning Services.

[email protected]

Admissions Services

For enquiries regarding the application process, obligatory application documents or English language proficiency, please contact Admissions Services.

[email protected]

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