Study options

Documentary Film - Film and Television, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The goal of the major in Documentary Film is to form innovative, critical, and analytical documentary filmmakers for both the national and international arenas. The students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the history and conventions documentary filmmaking. Moreover, the program will encourage students to engage future perspectives of documentary filmmaking as a storytelling, art and research form.


Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Application period:

30 Nov 2023 – 2 Jan 2024

Language of instruction:



2 years, full-time


Relevant Bachelor's degree

Field of study:

Art and Design


120 ECTS

Organising school:

School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Applying to master’s programmes


The goal of the major in Documentary Film is to form innovative, critical, and analytical documentary filmmakers for both the national and international arenas. The students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the history and conventions documentary filmmaking. Moreover, the program will encourage students to engage future perspectives of documentary filmmaking as a storytelling, art and research form.

Students will be able to develop their artistic and research skills through creative enquiry, practice and collaboration. They will be able to combine practical mastery and conceptual thinking, increasing their professional competence and situating them at the forefront of the documentary filmmaking field. In addition to the teamwork skills essential to the job description, studies emphasize the importance of personal time management and stress tolerance.

Developers of the field. The goal of the Master’s Programme in Documentary Film is to train visionary documentary film directors and creative professionals who will contribute to the development of the field and its possibilities. Students will deepen their powers of observation, storytelling, and artistic expression. They will develop their own style as documentary film directors through workshop courses and filmmaking exercises.

Artistic Research. Our MA students achieve excellence in professional practice and a deeper engagement with groundbreaking artistic research methodologies. Students will experiment with contemporary expressions in the genre and engage with the history, theory and ethics of documentary film, developing research methodologies to be applied in their artistic practice. The possibility of directing a MA diploma film provides an important framework for students to enhance their professional skills and take part in developing documentary conventions.

Multiple viewpoints. The Documentary Film major invites numerous visiting lectures and artists, both from Finland and abroad, who offer multiple viewpoints to our students and enrich their learning experiences. Students have frequent interactions with film professionals, artists and companies throughout their studies, which help them to build knowledge of the film landscape and networks, both nationally and internationally. Through their filmmaking exercises, students develop their collaboration skills and their capacities to work in teams.

Students have also the possibility of producing graduation films along established production companies as well as getting mentorship from industry professionals. These meaningful interactions with professionals prepare our students for entering the professional field after, and even during, their studies.

Major’s intended learning outcomes

Students graduating from the major in Documentary Film will:

• be able to perform all the tasks required of a documentary filmmaker from idea conception, development, production and postproduction of short film documentary works.

• deepen their powers of observation and expression while developing their own style as documentary directors through numerous practical film exercises.

• students will master film collaboration skills, best work practices and ethics of documentary filmmaking to be able to perform as leading members of artistic crews.

• be able to work on a variety of platforms and environments such as theatrical documentary, documentary series, educational and commissioned film, journalistic, science and institutional documentary, etc.

• develop professional film skills to confidently perform in the constantly changing field of documentary film.

• understand the tradition, main forms, and conventions of documentary filmmaking through the study of documentary authors, movements, trends,approaches, histories and theories.

• develop creative and critical skills through the successful combination of theory and practice in our teaching program.

• be able to apply innovative artistic methodologies that will situate them at the fore of the documentary field.

• be able to apply for further film studies and to work as documentary film teachers and instructors.

Language of instruction

The language of instruction in The Master's Programme in Film, Documentary Film major is English. Occasionally, part of the courses might be taught in Finnish. The degree can be completed in English.

Tuition fees and scholarships

The tuition fee for this programme is 20 000 euros per academic year. Citizens of European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland do not pay tuition fees. Citizens of other countries must pay tuition fees.

Aalto University offers a small number of scholarships in the form of tuition fee waivers to fee-paying students. Scholarships can be awarded to the highest-achieving applicants based on the programme's evaluation criteria. Applicants are ranked according to the criteria outlined on the programme's webpage.

More information on tuition fees and scholarships at Aalto University is available at the Scholarships and Tuition Fees webpage.

Structure of studies

Developing and directing the diploma film and the related written dissertation work are the essential outcomes of the master’s programme studies. Courses and studies in the MA in Documentary Film support these creative and research processes.

The teaching in the major in Documentary Film consists of film workshops and lecture modules built around different varying themes. In the film workshops, students will further develop their skills to observe and interpret reality and their willingness to experiment with the documentary mode. Lectures modules will help the students to enhance their critical thinking and their knowledge of documentary film traditions.

Amongst others, students can take advanced courses in different genres, styles and approaches to documentary film, documentary history, theory and ethics, and new forms and formats of contemporary documentary. Film analysis, reflecting on the conditions of one’s own medium, and writing and thinking about documentary are the activities that support practical exercises. Knowledge of experimental and fiction film, ethnographic film, performative documentary, essay film, and interdisciplinary engagements are also a vital part of our program.

Studies in the master's programme include departments joint courses (30 ECTS) which are obligatory. These courses deal with entrepreneurial and working life skills, analytical skills, and provide research skills.

More information on the programme content and curriculum can be found in the Student guide.

Master's Programme in Film and Television


Documentary Film is one of the majors in the Master’s Programme of Film and Television.

Each student creates their Personal Study Plan (PSP), which is a practical tool to define a student’s own study path, compiling an optimal selection of courses that are aligned with the student's interests and programme requirements. PSP is also a useful tool for students to keep track of their studies. At best, it shows where students are with their studies and sets concrete milestones for them to follow.


Documentary Film works to find a healthy balance between the internationalisation of the programme and its duties as the national film school in Finland. Documentary Film has a good level of internationalization through an increasing number of both faculty and students coming from abroad, especially Europe.

The Documentary Film major also introduces internationalization in its curriculum through regular (pedagogy driven) collaboration with several film festivals such as DOCPOINT Helsinki Documentary Film Festival, Tampere International Film Festival, Nordisk Panorama, IDFA and CPH:DOX. Our students regularly visit these national and international film festivals and forums which offer them possibilities for networking and an international environment for developing professional competence.

Documentary Film students have also the possibility of actively benefit from various exchange abroad, including Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, USA and Japan, amongst others.

Further study opportunities

Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture offers doctoral studies in the fields of architecture, art, design, media, film and scenography. For more information about our research groups visit the following link.

Career opportunities

The students graduate as independent film directors who have the opportunity to work as filmmakers, teachers, critics and event organisers. They will be able to shape the future of the field while working in film production, film organisations, festivals, and in the broader field of culture.

In particular, master’s degree studies are a requirement for working in teaching positions. Students who graduate with a master’s degree in Documentary Film are at the forefront of the field in our country and have an important influence as instructors or when working in other sectors. The works produced by graduates of Documentary Film are highly visible at various international festivals.

A graduate with a major in Documentary Film (Master’s programme) is able to:

  • Work as independent documentary film directors and be employed in applied tasks in the documentary film profession (such as festivals, financing, distribution, production, production of commissioned films, etc.)
  • Achieve major abilities to identify her/his style as a director as well to question and develop practices and traditions in the field.
  • Work on a variety of platforms and environments (theatrical documentary, documentary series, interactive documentary,
  • educational and commissioned films, journalistic, science and institutional documentary, etc.)
  • Work as documentary film teachers and instructors.
  • Apply for further film studies.

Research focus

Performative documentary, narrative documentary, essay film, docufiction, found footage, ethnographic film, community media, art as social practice, future studies.

Co-operation with other parties

Documentary Film coordinates students’ collaboration with film festivals, supports the involvement of students in commissioned film projects and facilitates professional internships, enhancing the possibilities for professional development. Students have the possibility of taking courses from other Aalto Schools. We also collaborate with different art universities (Sibelius Academy, Theatre Academy and UniArts for instance).

Applying to master’s programmes

Study-option-specific evaluation criteria in 2025 Master’s admissions

Applicants meeting Aalto’s general eligibility criteria for master's studies will be evaluated and ranked according to the evaluation criteria that has been decided in advance for each study option. The applications to Master’s programme in Film and television – Documentary film will be evaluated based on the following criteria.

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Contact information

Learning services of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture

For enquiries regarding programme-specific application documents or studies in the programme, please contact Aalto ARTS Learning Services.

[email protected]

Admissions Services

For enquiries regarding the application process, obligatory application documents or English language proficiency, please contact Admissions Services.

[email protected]

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