Study options

Cloud and Network Infrastructures - ICT Innovation (EIT Digital Master School), Master of Science (Technology)

When our networks became overwhelmed with connected devices and streaming services, cloud computing saved the day. Now, the so-called ‘cloudification’ of networks is set to unleash a new era of smart connectivity – enabling everything from Industry 4.0 applications to autonomous vehicles, 5G and 6G, augmented reality, and urban infrastructure.
Students in a library. Designed by pch.vector / Freepik


Master of Science (Technology)

Application period:

12 Feb 2024 – 11 Apr 2024

Language of instruction:



2 years, full-time


Relevant Bachelor's degree

Field of study:

Technology and Engineering


120 ECTS

Organising school:

School of Electrical Engineering


The Cloud and Network Infrastructures (CNI) programme within the EIT Digital Master School is a unique offering that provides a holistic view on fixed and mobile networking and cloud computing combining it with a minor on innovation and entrepreneurship. Students will be equipped with profound knowledge on network management, operation, and design on the one hand, and cloud service and deployment models, implementation strategies, and application design on the other. The programme also focuses on future directions of cloud computing, for example, in the fields of edge and fog computing in 5G as well as blockchains and distributed ledger applications.

The graduates of the programme 

  • will have insights in legal and societal aspects of cloud computing, services and related applications as well as of 5G and fixed networks, including their architectures, infrastructures, and their operation
  • can identify the short-term and long-term consequences of cloud and network deployment and can transform these insights into solutions for the society’s and environment’s benefits and sustainability, 
  • understand and develop the potential of future 5G and 6G cellular technologies and services, 
  • have business skills to understand and execute a business development process, including ideation and business model generation, 
  • are able to use knowledge and skills in the area of cloud computing and network infrastructures to identify business opportunities and to turn them into operation, 
  • can apply cutting-edge technology and research in cloud and network infrastructures to generate new knowledge, solutions and insights in this field, 
  • are able to understand and analyse requirements of innovative applications and limitations of existing systems to derive research problems and challenges, 
  • are able to communicate technical issues to professionals and non-professionals, can work in multidisciplinary and multinational teams and take responsibilities. 

The ICT Innovation programme has separate application periods and admission procedures from the other master's programmes offered by Aalto University. Further information on the admission is available on the EIT Digital Master School website

Language of instruction

In the master’s programme, the language of instruction is English.

Tuition fees and scholarships

Students admitted to Master's Programme in ICT Innovation (EIT Digital Master School) - Cloud and Network Infrastructures are eligible for scholarships and liable for tuition fees according to EIT Digital's tuition fee and scholarship scheme.

Students are not liable for paying tuition fees to Aalto University or eligible for Aalto University scholarships. Please see programme website for more information.

Structure of studies

EIT Digital Master School programmes are double degree programmes in which studies are taken at two different universities in two different countries. The programme leads into two Master of Science degrees (double degree) from the two universities the student has studied in. 

Overall, the two-year programme comprises a total of 120 ECTS credits: 

  • Major (60 ECTS) 
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship minor (30 ECTS) 
  • Master’s thesis (30 ECTS) 
Master's Programme in ICT Innovation


The programme is a double degree programme, which means that you will study at two European universities and in two different countries. Aalto University offers CNI studies as both entry (first-year) and exit (second-year) studies. For the full list of universities, please visit the EIT Digital Master School website

The first year will be similar at all CNI entry point universities with foundation courses in 

  • internet protocols and algorithms 
  • cloud computing

Elective and other mandatory courses deliver local knowledge at a university that is complementary to the common base. An important part of the programme are also the Innovation and & Entrepreneurship (I&E) courses. 

During the second year of studies, the student chooses a specialisation option offered in one of the exit point universities. The specialisation option offered at Aalto University is Mobile Networking and Cloud Services. The courses cover the theoretical and practical aspects of designing and analyzing mobile networks and cloud services. 

More information on the programme content and curriculum can be found in the Student guide.


The EIT Digital Master School programmes are inherently international because the studies take place at two different universities in two different countries. The programme provides its students with a profound experience of working and studying in multiple countries in an international environment. 

Further study opportunities

The programme qualifies for doctoral studies (Doctor of Science in an applicable field). 

Career opportunities

Graduates qualify for jobs in international and local organizations in both technical and business roles. Typical job titles include: 

  • Network Designer 
  • ICT Manager 
  • Cloud CTO 
  • Cloud Software Engineer 
  • Lead Software Developer 
  • Business Developer 
  • Product Manager 
  • Consultant

Through their multidisciplinary attitude, graduates are valuable in open innovation settings where different aspects (market, users, social aspects, media technologies) come together. They can easily find jobs within companies that provide value-added products and services, such as telecom companies, e-commerce providers, e-learning, web developers, and cloud operators. An alternative path would be to start your own company to provide product or technology development, media content, business development or consultancy services. Graduates will be able to 

  • manage and contribute to (open) innovation and intrapreneurship projects and 
  • evolve later towards managerial positions, as they are experts having a global understanding of complex ICT systems and services, including their impact on businesses.

Students also qualify for a research and academic career through a follow-up doctoral project. 

Research focus

The studies in the programme are closely related to the research conducted at the relevant departments of the consortium universities including Aalto University's Department of Communications and Networking

Co-operation with other parties

Please visit the EIT Digital Master School website to learn more about the industry partners and collaboration. 

How to apply?

Please see further information on applying at EIT Digital Master School website.

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A guy peeks from behind fresh green birch branches. Photo: Aalto University / Unto Rautio

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Finland’s excellent reputation in education, combined with a wide range of courses offered in English, makes Finland and Aalto University an attractive study destination for international students.

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The EIT Label is a quality seal awarded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) to a KIC educational programme that has been assessed positively by the EIT on the implementation of the EIT Quality Assurance and Learning Enhancement (EIT QALE) system, and the application of specific quality criteria with focus on the EIT Overarching Learning Outcomes (EIT OLOs), robust entrepreneurship education, highly integrated, innovative ‘learning-by-doing’ curricula, international mobility and outreach.

EIT Digital Master School logo
EIT Digital is supported by the EIT, a body of the European Union.

Contact information

EIT Digital Master School

[email protected]

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