Student Guide
Student Guide navigation FAQ
The content in the Student Guide is split in roughly in two sections:
- common information that applies to all students which you can find in the top navigation on all pages, for example, exchange studies, applications, campus information
- programme pages where you can find further information on every programme for example, programme studies, how to plan your studies, graduation and contact people of the programme
Frequently asked questions
You can find the mandatory studies of your programme and major on your programme's pages (you can find all Aalto's current programmes on this page). On the programme navigation, choose "Curriculum" and under that you can choose the curriculum period based on the year when you started your studies or if you know that you are following another curriculum (usually students can move to follow a newer curriculum but not an older one). You can find two latest curriculum periods on the navigation and the older ones are under the header "Previous curricula."
For example, if you are looking for the mandatory studies of the major Quantum Technology and you have started your studies in the fall of 2022, you can find it on the programme page under which the major is (Aalto Bachelor's Programme in Science and Technology). On the programme navigation, click on "Curriculum" and select "Curriculum 2022-2024" on the subnavigation.
You can find information on timing your studies on every programme page (you can find all Aalto's current programmes on this page). On the programme navigation, choose "Curriculum" and under that, click on "Recommended timetable" where you can find information on your programme's or major's study schedule.
For example, if you are looking for the recommended timetable of the major Quantum Technology, you can find it on the programme page under which the major is (Aalto Bachelor's Programme in Science and Technology). On the programme navigation, click on "Curriculum" and select "Recommended timetable" on the subnavigation.
You can find information on the thesis process on every programme page (you can find all Aalto's current programmes on this page). On the programme navigation, choose "During your studies" and under that, click on "Thesis."
You can find information on dates related to graduation on every programme page (you can find all Aalto's current programmes on this page). On the programme navigation, choose "Graduation."
You can find the contact information of every programme's key personnel on the programme page (you can find all Aalto's current programmes on this page). On the programme navigation, choose "Contact." You can also find your major's professor in charge under the "Curriculum" header. After you've chosen your curriculum period (when you began your studies), you can select the major and find the professor in charge.
You can find information on internships under the top navigation header "Programmes, minors and courses" in section "Other studies" in Internship in Finland and International internships.
You can find information on how to include an internship in your studies on your programme's page (you can find all Aalto's current programmes on this page). On the programme navigation, choose "During your studies" and you can find information about internships either under "Planning your studies" or "Other studies" depending on the structure of your programme.
You can find information on internships under the top navigation header "Programmes, minors and courses" in section "Other studies" in Exchange studies. You can find if it's possible to include an exchange in your studies on your programme's page (you can find all Aalto's current programmes on this page). On the programme navigation, choose "During your studies" and you can find information about exchange studies either under "Planning your studies" or "Other studies" depending on the structure of your programme.
After you search for something on, such as "graduation", you can filter the results to show only Student Guide content by selecting "Student Guide" as the only content type. After the search, open "Filter by content type" and select "Student Guide" as the content type.
You can use Site index for the Student Guide – page as well. It lists all Student Guide contents except for news and events.
Was there a question missing? You can send a suggestion via the feedback form at the bottom of the page (you need to log in with your Aalto ID to see the form).
Illustrated instructions
Programme pages
On the programme pages, you can find all information specific to the programme and majors, for example, programme studies (list of courses), how to plan your studies, the thesis process, graduation and contact people of the programme
Search function
You can search for Student Guide content only by filtering the search results and selecting "Student Guide" as the only content type.
News and events
On the Student Guide front page, you can find news and events aimed at all students. On the main page of each programme, you will see news aimed at all students but also news aimed at your school and degree level. For example, the Bachelor's Programme in Design newsfeed includes news for all students as well as news for ARTS and bachelor's students.
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