
X-ray Scattering Center

Are you looking for more information and opportunities related to X-ray scattering research at Aalto? On this page you can find many of the X-ray scattering resources and facilities at Aalto University.

2D wide-angle X-ray scattering pattern of an aluminium foil.
2D scattering pattern of an aluminium foil measured at Aalto NMC, OtaNano

Let's go!

Please make use of the resources that are available! Here we list relevant webpages, instructions, courses, people and research groups, software. You can also find out how to connect with an expert and start a collaboration.

Who needs X-ray scattering characterization?

X-ray scattering is used to characterize the structural characteristics of various materials in the 0.1-100 nm range. X-ray scattering is relevant for you if you study any of the following topics:

Bioproducts, metals, semiconductors, superconductors, pharmaceutics, battery materials, colloids, gels, phase transformations in materials, and more...

Personal contacts and how to start a collaboration:

You can find a short introduction of us on this page.

We can be contacted if you need experimental support or a specialist to collaborate with in a project. Each of us have some specific expertice. In case of scientific collaboration, it is adviced to get in touch with one of as early as possible, preferably already at the project planning/funding application stage. 

Are you in need of urgent help? Feel free to contact us anyway!

X-ray Scattering Center People

Researchers connected to Aalto X-ray Scattering Center.

collage of researchers
Two x-ray scattering instruments in a laboratory
The X-ray laboratory at Aalto NMC, OtaNano

Getting to an X-ray lab for experiments

Aalto facilitates materials characterization by X-ray scattering. Our facilities include laboratories and X-ray scattering instruments at Aalto University.
Learn more about how to get access to the NMC facilities as a user.

Information and links to other Aalto laboratories:

  • X-ray facilities at CHEM.

Information and links to laboratories in other universities: ... will be added later. 

Resources for data analysis

Data analysis ranges from qualitative comparison of a series of diffractograms to sophisticated analysis based on simulated data and fitting. We aim to provide the users of Aalto facilities sufficient analytical tools and processes. External users can use some of our resources on site as a part of experiments. 

Wiki pages: Find more information related to experimental research and links on our wiki pages!

Students and teachers during teaching in the X-ray lab.
Students and teachers during hands-on teaching as a part of the course "Applied X-ray scattering techniques in materials science".

Education related to X-ray scattering at Aalto


* X-ray Scattering Methods for Structural Analysis of Bio-based Materials, every spring. (5 credits, 29.4.–9.6.2024). Organized by the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems at Aalto. Link to MyCourses

* Applied X-ray scattering techniques in materials science is lectured every autumn. (5 credits, next time in autumn 2024 periods I & II). Organized by the Department of Applied Physics at Aalto. Link to MyCourses (2023)

Workshops, lectures, etc

* 4-6 March 2024, PSCM User Meeting 2024, ESRF - Grenoble - France. Link to meeting web page

* 2024, date/location not announced: The 15th annual meeting of Finnish Synchrotron Radiation User Organisation (FSRUO)!

* 2025, date/location not announced: 21st Nordic Workshop on Scattering from Soft Matter. Lunch-to-lunch workshop. No registration fee. 

The X-ray Scattering Center has been a partner in organizing:

* 2023: The 14th annual meeting of Finnish Synchrotron Radiation User Organisation (FSRUO)!

Synchrotron and neutron scattering research

Large scale radiation facilities like electron synchrotrons and neutron sources enable experiments that are not possible by using home laboratory scale instruments. Researchers regularly visit such facilities to carry out experiments that would not be possible otherwise. This research include for example studies that require high temporal resolution to reveal fast changes in materials as a function of an experimental parameter, studies that require a specific X-ray wavelength, and much more. Access to large scale facilities (beam time) is granted based on beam time applications. 

Aalto University supports researchers doing experimental work at large scale facilities by making preliminary experiments possible and by supporting the writing of beam time applications. Preliminary experiments and data is typically beneficial for getting the beam time application accepted. 

Nationally the Finnish Synchrotron Radiation User Organization (FSRUO) is the main organization coordinating synchrotron research- activities. 

Synchrotron beamline with researchers
Researchers from Aalto and University of Helsinki and beam line scientists at MAX IV synchrotron in Lund, Sweden. Photo taken in April 2023.

For whom is this content?

This content is open for any audience, but the target audience is academics (including students) who use or aim to use X-ray or neutron scattering characterization in their studies. The content might as well be useful for commercial users or potential users of X-ray scattering methods.

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