
Projects in ACRIS

This website contains information and guidance on how project related publications, research data and other results can be linked to each other using ACRIS (Aalto Current Information System). Below we introduce the role of ACRIS in practice and what services we have for you in Aalto.

Project information in ACRIS

ACRIS collects project information from both internal and external sources and presents the project information publicly in Aalto University's research portal

The projects funded by Aalto’s main funders: Research Council of Finland (Academy of Finland), Business Finland, European Commission and projects funded by e.g. ministries or funds are automatically integrated to ACRIS. Research project entities are synchronized from the systems of financial services.

Internal projects and commercial projects are not integrated to ACRIS.

The publicly available project page is a permanent landing page to the basic project information (the name of the project, dates and duration of the project, the funder, the PI and other project members) and project results and other information (publications, datasets and links to project pages and used infrastructure).

The descriptions of projects funded by Academy of Finland and Business Finland are added to the project page starting from spring 2021.

If you have questions about project information in ACRIS, please contact [email protected].

Link to ACRIS

When project is linked to the article as a service

ACRIS staff will add the project information to the article as a part of publication's importing/validation process:

  1. We check the project information from the article. 
  2. We add the project’s name/acronym and grant number to ACRIS, based on the acknowledgement in the article.  

Please note that the ACRIS staff will only add research project relations as a part of importing or validation process if the project information is properly stated in the article (e.g. project number). Check the funder’s instructions. If not available, apply these examples:  

  • This article was funded by the Academy of Finland's Flagship Programme under Projects No. 318890 and 318891 (Competence Center for Materials Bioeconomy, CERES). 
  • We acknowledge the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (ERC Advanced Grant Agreement No. 788489, “BioElCell”).

The project information should be found in all externally funded articles. It is also required by the funders that the name of the project and funder are mentioned in the article's acknowledgement.

How to link projects to publications and other outputs existing in ACRIS

If you want to link your project to a publication or other related outputs like research data, conference presentations, patents, you can do that yourself: 

  1. Go to ACRIS
  2. Open the publication information or any other research result to which you want to link project information. 
  3. Scroll down to Relations section. 
  4. Select Project and search for the appropriate project by typing the project’s name or number into the search field. 
  5. Click Save to close the form. 

If you have questions, please contact [email protected].

How to get the project-specific publication reports from ACRIS

ACRIS staff will make publication listings of project publications upon request. Please, contact [email protected].  

Help on reporting the EU project’s publications in the Funding & Tenders system

When the publications are linked with the EU projects in ACRIS, the publication information are harvested by the European OpenAIRE portal, which simplifies reporting in EU projects. 

  • The EU requires that the open access status of publications is reported.
  • It is also often required that the logo of the EU project is visible in the project record.

If you want help in completing the publication information in the EU Funding & Tenders reporting system, or if you want the logo to be added to your EU project record in ACRIS, please contact: [email protected]

Instructions: Reporting open access in Horizon Europe projects (Aalto login)

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All ACRIS instructions

This page compiles all ACRIS instructions. ACRIS, Aalto Current Research Information System, is the research information management system of Aalto University. Information is displayed in the public portal

ACRIS Instructions

Aalto Current Research Information System (ACRIS) is Aalto University’s research information management system. The system contains up-to-date information about the research and artistic activities of the university. These activities are shown through the public portal

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