
Processing of personal data - Research

Research is a basic task of the university. Every research project define its personal data processing needs separately and informs its research subjects of these processing activities.

Why do we process your personal data?

Research is a basic task of the university. Every research project define its personal data processing needs separately and informs its research subjects of these processing activities. 

Do we use automated profiling in our decision-making processes?

Automated decision-making refers to a decision meant for the evaluation of a person’s specific characteristics that is conducted using only automated data processing and that results in legal effects for the data subject or that will otherwise affect them in a significant way. Some examples of automated decision-making include credit status decisions and profiling. The data subject has the right to not be subjected to automated decision-making.

We do not utilise automated decision-making.

Why are we allowed to process your personal data?

The processing of personal data is based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation and national data protection legislation. The justifications for the processing are defined separately in every research project, and the project's research subjects are informed of these justifications.

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