
Mentoring for employees

Mentoring gives new perspectives and tools for work, professional development, and personal growth.
Mentorointiryhmä pöydän ääressä / Kuvaaja Unto Rautio

Mentoring focuses on sharing experiences, perspectives, and skills, as well as on learning from another person’s experiences. It is a goal-oriented way to develop one’s own work and competences. Confidentiality, commitment, and goal orientation are important aspects of mentoring.

Mentoring can support the mentee for example in:

  • Orientation phase.
  • New role or change process.
  • Career planning and progression, as well as personal growth.
  • Developing in a leadership or supervisory role.
  • Offering new perspectives and stimulus to work and tasks.
  • Passing on silent knowledge and skills.

Types of mentoring

  • Traditional one-on-one mentoring involves a mentee and mentor working together. The mentor is an experienced person who acts as a discussant and provides encouragement.
  • Peer mentoring involves individuals of roughly the same level offering each other support when starting in a new position, for example.
  • Group mentoring consists of a mentor and several mentees together in the same group. The members of the group decide together on which issues they focus on as well as their goals and way of working. Group mentoring also enables participants to benefit from valuable peer support.  

Mentoring in Aalto University

Mentoring focus areas may include, for example, developing academic leadership, supervision, and project management, as well as career planning or other issues depending on the employee’s needs.

In case you are interested in mentoring, please contact your own HR coordinator or partner.

More information

Please contact [email protected]to get more information about mentoring programs.

This service is provided by:

HR Services

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