
How to intervene to harassment and inappropriate conduct

The Code of Conduct is one way of putting our values and way of working into practice. Our responsibility for people is the first pillar in Aalto University’s Code of Conduct and it touches all of us at Aalto University.
kuva Dipolin sisätiloista tuolista jossa istuu henkilö

We behave in a responsible manner and respect the rights of the other members of our community to enjoy a safe and pleasant university environment that allows unhindered progress in study and work.

We do not accept any kind of inappropriate conduct, bullying or harassment. If you have experienced or you are unsure whether you have encountered inappropriate conduct or harassment, follow the instructions below. Inappropriate conduct or harassment cannot be influenced or prevented if it is not discussed among the persons concerned or if support is not sought from one's superior or HR or other contacts mentioned below.

What to do when you experience inappropriate behavior?

Contact information for personnel

Support for students

Support in cases of harassment

Support in cases of harassment for students

Student guide illustration, supporting your studies

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct - Values into practice

The Aalto University Code of Conduct is one way of putting our values and way of working — the foundation of our community culture — into practice

Kaksi henkilöä kampuksella.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Aalto University

Monimuotoisuus ja inklusiivisuus Aalto-yliopistossa

Rakennamme inklusiivista yhteisöä, jossa yhteisömme jäsenet tuntevat yhteenkuuluvuutta ja voivat täysipainoisesti elää työn tai opintojen arkea tasavertaisina.

Kuvassa eri-ikäisiä ja erimaalaisia ihmisiä työskentelemässä yhdessä. Kuva: Aleksi Poutanen
Wellbeing desk logo bubbles on light blue background

Wellbeing Desk for Aalto personnel

Wellbeing Desk is a low-threshold service point for Aalto's entire personnel, where you can get advice and service guidance in matters related to wellbeing at work and work ability.

This service is provided by:

HR Services

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