
Guide for creating a simple web page for research projects or events using Aalto Wiki template

Research projects and academic conferences at times need a website to communicate with their stakeholders and the general public.
Screenshot of creating new Wiki space for projects and events
  1. After logging in to Aalto Wiki using your Aalto credentials, find Spaces tab on the top menu bar and open Create space tab. 
  2. From Create space tab, find and select Aalto Academic Project and Event Workspace option.
  3. Click Next, after which Create a workspace for Aalto Academic Project and Event theme tab will be opened.
  4. Enter your unique space name and space key, then click Create.
Wiki screenshot 2

TIP! In general, spaces are Aalto Wiki's way of organising content into meaningful categories. They are like different folders where you can store your contents. Currently, there are hundreds of spaces on Aalto Wiki. Therefore it is important to distinguish your project space from others and give a unique name for your project space. The same goes for the space key which is used in your space URL. 

Wiki Screenshot 3

After creating your project space, you would need to change the theme of your space to Aalto Academic Project and Event theme. This can be done in the following way. 

  1. Find Space tools at the bottom left corner of the page and click on it to open the menu. 
  2. Select Look and Feel from the list and Themes tab will be opened. 
Screenshot Wiki 4
  1. By default Global Look and Feel theme is selected. To change the default theme of this, select Aalto Academic Project and Event Theme. 
  2. Click Confirm and you will be directed to the Welcome page of your brand new website on Aalto Wiki
Space tools WIKI

Changing looks and feel of your web page

TIP! Did you know that you can customize the default looks and feel of Aalto Academic Project and Event Theme? This can be done by visiting Space tools tab from the main menu on top of your webpage. Scroll down to know more! 

Screenshot Wiki 7
  1. After visiting Space tools tab, find Look and Feel tab from the top menu. Make sure Themes option is selected. 
  2. Under Aalto Academic Project and Event Theme, please find and click on Configure theme. 
  3. This will open Configure Aalto Academic Project and Event Theme for space with key ... window and you can customize the theme according to your preference. The following pictures show an example. 

TIP! If you want to change the default image on the template, you use an image matching suitable aspect ratio for the template. You can use any image that you wish, but you would need to resize and crop the image into the suitable aspect ratio which is 1500x300. This can be done by using online tools such as The following picture shows an example. 


In case of questions or issues related to creating a simple web page for research projects or events using Aalto Wiki template, never hesitate to contact IT Service Desk.

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