
Changing the sender’s address (Outlook and Webmail)

If you have been granted access rights to a resource mailbox or the sending rights to another user’s mailbox, you can send messages in the name of these addresses.

If you have been granted access rights to a resource mailbox or the sending rights to another user’s mailbox, you can send messages in the name of these addresses.

In Webmail

If you want the message sent to be stored in messages sent by the resource mailbox or another user’s mailbox, log in to the mailbox in question instead of your own one, and send the message from there. (see Opening a resource mailbox in Webmail).

1. Log in to Webmail at

2. Select a new message  (+New)

3. Click on item ...


4. From the menu that opens, select Show From whereby the From: field will be displayed in the message window.

5. With the right mouse button, click your own address in the From: field, and select Remove.

6. Here, type the address in whose name you want to send the message (in the example the address is [email protected]), and send the finished message as usual.


In Windows Outlook

  1. Open a new message by clicking New Email.
  2. Go to the Options tab and, in the Show Fields field, click From (see image below).

3. Then, in the send field, click Other E-mail Address…

4. In the search field, type the address (in this example: [email protected]) from which you wish to send an email.

5. Click OK.


6. The address will remain in the memory of your Outlook and is now ready for use.

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