
Building and facility officers

The building officer is the contact person between the building’s users, the real estate company and the service providers.

They inform the staff and the students about matters related to working in the building and develop customer service based on the user feedback. The building attendant can be contacted in any practical matters related to using the building. In practical matters, however, please contact first the lobby services.
Aalto-yliopisto Väre A Bloc Kauppakorkeakoulu ilmakuva Kuva: Mikko Raskinen / Aalto-yliopisto

Facility officers

School Facility officer Phone Email
School of Arts, Design and Architecture Tapio Koskinen 050 5004350 [email protected]
School of Business Iina Salmela 0504713120 [email protected]
School of Chemical Technology Jaana Rich 050 4081988 [email protected]
School of Electrical Engineering Petri Hyvönen 050 5223958 [email protected]
School of Engineering Panu Sainio 050 5678396   [email protected]
School of Science Kenrick Bingham 050 3841737 [email protected]
Common services Risto Maijala 050 4003782 [email protected]

Building officer

  Address   Building Building officer    Phone       Email
Ekonominaukio 1 School of Business Merja Mäkinen 040 3538094 [email protected]
Kemistintie 1 Chemical Engineering Esa Uosukainen 050 3656319 [email protected]
Konemiehentie 1 Kide Simppa Äkäslompolo 050 5311327 [email protected]
Konemiehentie 2 Computer Science building Esa Heikkinen 050 5328021 [email protected]
Maarintie 8 TuAs Jari-Pekka Ruonio 050 3841768 [email protected]
Metallimiehenkuja 4 Architecture workshop Jari Simanainen 050 3472225 [email protected]
Metsähovintie 114, Kylmälä Metsähovi Radio Observatory Ari Mujunen 029 4424852 [email protected]
Otakaari 1

Undergraduate Centre


Kenrick Bingham

Risto Maijala

Pauliina Parjanen (A-wing)

050 3841773 

050 4003782

050 4709277

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Otakaari 3 / Rakentajanaukio 2 Health Technology House Esa Heikkinen 050 5328021 [email protected]
Otakaari 3 J   Leif Eriksson 050 3010591 [email protected]
Otakaari 4 Mechanical Engineering Dan Häggmnn 050 3559873 [email protected]
Otakaari 5 A Grid

Aleksi Öyry

Minna Lindroos (other)

050 4765565 

040 5437515

[email protected]

[email protected]

Otakaari 7 Electrical Engineering Marcus Korhonen 040 0129629 [email protected]
Otakaari 24 Dipoli

Sami Kettunen

Antti Leino

050 5124203

050 5675383

[email protected]

[email protected]

Otaniementie 9 Learning Centre Risto Maijala 050 4003782 [email protected]
Otaniementie 14 Väre Ilpo Kari 050 5644461  [email protected]
Puumiehenkuja 2 Nanotalo building Timo Kajava 050 5255654 [email protected]
Puumiehenkuja 3 Mechanical Engineering  2, k2

Pekka Kyrenius

Jyrki Romu

050 3548962


[email protected]

[email protected]

Puumiehenkuja 5 Mechanical Engineering 3, k3 Vesa Saarijärvi 050 5250273                 [email protected]
Rakentajanaukio 4 Construction Engineering Marko Hämäläinen 050 3208583 [email protected]
Sähkömiehentie 5 Maari building      
Sähkömiehentie 4 Mechanical Engineering 4, k4 Ilpo Korhonen 050 4125168 [email protected]
Tietotie 1 Water and Environmental Engineering Teemu Päivärinta 050 4384005 [email protected]
Tietotie 1 E Water Building Heikki Särkkä 050 4714849 [email protected]
Tietotie 3 Micronova Juha Lievonen 050 3702566 [email protected]
Vuorimiehentie 1 Aalto Bioproduct Centre 1 Timo Kotilahti 050 5710363 [email protected]
Vuorimiehentie 2 Circular Raw Materials Hub

Janne Vuori Aalto CHEM part

Mikko Aho (other)

050 3525189

040 536 6641

[email protected]

[email protected]

Töölö: Runeberginkatu 14 -16 Aalto EE, Aalto PRO, Aalto ENT Mia Mustonen 050 5771576 [email protected]
Lönnrotinkatu 5 ja 7 Mikkeli campus Marika Saarikoski 040 7692843 [email protected] 

Lobby Services

Aalto University Lobby Services provides guidance and other services to employees and visitors of Aalto facilities, while helping to maintain the general safety and security of campus facilities. You can recognise Lobby Service staff by the red workshirts and hoodies they wear with the Aalto University logo or the uniforms they wear with the Securitas logo.

This service is provided by:

Aalto University Campus & Real Estate

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