Adding a printer (Windows)
Classroom computers maintained by Aalto IT have a printer pre-installed, but at the various departments users must install a printer on a workstation.
Follow the instructions below to add a printer to a Windows 10 workstation.
Windows 10
1. Open the Start menu and find Printers & scanners (see image below).
2. Select Add a printer or scanner.
3. Then click The printer that I want isn´t listed (see image below).
4. Find a printer in the directory, based on location or feature.
5. The printer has now been added to the Windows 10 workstation.
6. Aalto’s Windows 10 workstations have a Secureprint print queue pre-installed. If it is missing from the workstation for some reason, the queue can be found in the path \\printvm01\secureprint (see image below).
If you are using a printer or multi-function device that does not have a card reader, print queues can be found on the server: \\printvm02\queue-name (see image below).
If you are using a so called legacy printer, print queues can be found on the server
Standalone Windows10 printing from the Aalto network
Add the credentials to Windows Credential Manager beforehand.
- Internet or network address: \\ (or \\ )
- User name: AALTO\youraaltousername
- Password: (Your Aalto password)
Related instructions
Printing at Aalto University
You can print documents at Aalto University with a personal printing card.