
ACRIS: Importing and exporting data

This guide provides information on how to import data into ACRIS and export data from ACRIS.

Transferring publication information via API

Publication data can be transferred and displayed on both internal Aalto web pages and external websites using API. The API shares research information as it appears in ACRIS, including only those publications with public visibility and validated status.

The service is free for anyone to use; registration is required.

Information which can be transferred:

/research-outputs : Lists all research outputs
/research-outputs/{id} : Get research output with specific ID. Retrieve ID (pureID) from above API. Uses  
/research-outputs/{id}/fingerprints : Lists all impacts associated to the research-output specified by an ID (pureID) 

Getting started

  1. Go to
  2. Register – Sign UP
  3. Use your company/team/research group name in the registration form.
  4. You will get the confirmation to your email (check also your spam).
  5. If you do not recieve email, please contact: [email protected]
  6. Login with the link in the email.
  7. Click Services.
  8. Click Subscribe to Research API.
  9. Click on Applications -> Create new application.
  10. Click Research API.
  11. Give a name for your application which will use research publication data and select Create Application.
  12. Now on Applications tab you can see your new application’s key.

How to use the API

Check the documentation:

-    Store the API Key previously generated above
-    Documentation Tab -> Research Publications API
-    “Authorize” -> Enter your new API Key

For help, please contact [email protected]

Importing data to ACRIS
Importing data to ACRIS as a CERIF XML format.

Importing content from another Pure system to ACRIS

If you have used the Pure system in a previous organization, you can import content to ACRIS via a CERIF XML format file by following these steps:

  1. Log in to ACRIS and click Add content -button.
  2. Choose Research output for Submission and click the option Import from file.
  3. You can either copy and paste the XML content directly from the file or upload the entire file.
  4. A duplicate record check will be performed, allowing you to choose which content you want to import.
Extracting cerif file from ACRIS

Exporting content from ACRIS to another Pure system

Before leaving the university, you can extract a copy of your data from ACRIS by following these steps:

  1. Log in to ACRIS and go to your research output overview screen. 
  2. Filter the content you would like to export in you research output overview screen.
  3. At the bottom of the screen is a labelled option to export in CERIF XML. Click on that and save the file for further use.

Downloading CV as a PDF file

Creating CVs in ACRIS. You can download your CV as a PDF-file from ACRIS.

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This page compiles all ACRIS instructions. ACRIS, Aalto Current Research Information System, is the research information management system of Aalto University. Information is displayed in the public portal

ACRIS Instructions

Aalto Current Research Information System (ACRIS) is Aalto University’s research information management system. The system contains up-to-date information about the research and artistic activities of the university. These activities are shown through the public portal

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Research and Innovation Services

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