Images, graphs and tables in publications
Technical instructions for images, graphs and tables in publications.
The five publication series are Aalto University publication series:
All Aalto University doctoral theses are published under the Doctoral Theses series. Interdisciplinary publications and publications of the joint university units are published under the Crossover series. The rest of the series are specific to certain fields of research and education.
The series have five publication types and some of them can also have sublevels:
If you need an ISBN number for your publication please contact us by email.
NOTE: The Publication platform will be replaced and the new ordering sysytem will be available on January, 2025.
If you plan to publish a doctoral thesis please see the instructions from the doctoral education's web page Publishing your doctoral thesis.
The metadata of the publication with Aalto University's ISBN is registered into the Aaltodoc publication archive and the metadata is published openly. The full-text of the publication is published as open access with author's permission. From Aaltodoc the publication's metadata is copied and transferred to the Aalto Research Information System ACRIS.
Open access publishing is recommended and compliant with the Aalto University goal of promoting open science. Open access publishing allows publications to be disseminated efficiently to a wider audience, thus increasing their visibility.
--> Aaltodoc publication archive
--> How to give permission to publish my publication in Aaltodoc?
Please note that you are obligated to provide us a copy of your publication in all the formats the publication was made. Unigrafia will send us your publication in electronic format. This will be the archival copy of your publication. If you order printed copies send one copy to the Aalto University Learning Centre. We will catalog the publication to the library database and it will be available for borrowing at the Learning Centre's book collection.
Please send the printed copy of your publication to this address:
Harald Herlin Learning Centre
P.O. Box 17000 (Otaniementie 9)
FI-00076 AALTO
If you have questions about the Aalto University publication series or ISBN numbers please contact us by email [email protected].
Here you can find the contact information for Unigrafia.
Technical instructions for images, graphs and tables in publications.
Open access publishing is recommended and compliant with the Aalto University goal of promoting open science. Open access publishing allows publications to be disseminated efficiently to a wider audience, thus increasing their visibility.
Instructions for preparing your doctoral thesis for publication and printing, and information on archiving