
Aalto ARTS relocation team

Information on relocations.

Relocation coordinator

Pentti’s responsibilities include booking services from Niemi (moving boxes, transport, movers) according to the school’s relocation plan in cooperation with the person in charge of relocations at ACRE; providing instructions and advice to the persons who are relocating, providing instructions and advice to the movers, arranging the required routes with Lobby Services, and, where necessary, agreeing on required practical arrangements with the building management and other users at the Arabia campus. The relocation coordinator helps in the inventory of the school’s valuable furnishings together with the relocation planner.

Relocation planner

Antti plans the logistics involved in the school’s moves as well as draws up a project plan, schedule and budget for the moves together with the users, the school’s facilities coordinator, Learning Services, ARTS infra and ACRE. The relocation planner participates in the meetings of the One Campus group and reports to the school’s technology manager. The relocation planner also coordinates the inventory of valuable furniture in ARTS’s facilities so that its relocation can be planned as part of campus development and the design of Väre.

Facilities coordinator

Janne is in charge of planning the use of the facilities required by the school for teaching, research and artistic activities in cooperation with departments, services and the school’s management. The facilities coordinator acts as the school’s contact person in interaction with ACRE, and draws up a facility budget together with the school’s financial manager. The facilities coordinator plans measures to optimise the use of facilities by the school and, three time a year, collects notices of termination regarding facility use from departments, which the school then submits to ACRE. The facilities coordinator participates in the meetings of the One Campus group, the design of Väre and the activities of the Aalto University facilities coordinators’ network.


Persons responsible for relocations at each unit

  • LES-ARTS (Questions and negotiations related to the LES move): 
  • Department of Art 
  • Department of Art - Otaniemi Art House: 
  • Department of Design
  • Department of Media 
  • Department of Media, photograph
  • Department of Architecture
  • TOKYO: Liisa Vuorenpää Pilvi Hussi

Inventory of the Ateneum inheritance 2017

Inventory of valuable furniture 2017

  • Maria Riskilä, ACRE
This service is provided by:

School of Arts, Design and Architecture

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