School of Science

Aalto Centre for Operations Research (ACOR)

Aalto Centre for Operations Research (ACOR) is a coordinated network of Aalto researchers with interests in Operations Research (OR). It aims at enhancing collaboration between Aalto’s research groups which conduct research in OR or fields that apply or would benefit from the application of OR methods and serves as a source of expertise for those who may benefit from operations research, both within Aalto and beyond.

About ACOR

Aalto Centre for Operations Research (ACOR) is a coordinated network of Aalto researchers with interests in Operations Research (OR). It aims at enhancing collaboration between Aalto’s research groups which conduct research in OR or fields that apply or would benefit from the application of OR methods to create new, high-impact research and bring best expertise available to work on promising application domains. ACOR’s other objectives include expanding Aalto’s activities in OR by providing networking and collaboration possibilities for researchers and representatives of companies and/or other organizations, raising awareness of OR and enhancing possibilities for agile utilization of OR, and development of teaching in Aalto.

Current in ACOR

  • The third OR afternoon seminar EURO2022 brings world-leading operations research and analytics to Espoo: How can Finnish companies make the most of it? is organized in Otaniemi on December 8, 2021 at 4 pm. Register here!
  • Aalto hosts EURO2022 conference!
  • The second thematic OR afternoon seminar on the theme How are OR and AI methods used in topical operations management problems?was organized in Otaniemi, Espoo on April 23, 2019 at 3 pm.
  • The first thematic OR afternoon seminar on the theme Operations research and advanced analytics in planning and management of technical systems' maintenance operationswas organized September 4, 2018
Aalto University students at Aalto Party during the opening of the Academic Year. Photo by Aalto University / Aino Huovio

Participate and stay informed

ACOR uses two mailing lists

Collaboration and activities

ACOR collaborates with research groups in Aalto and other universities by organizing

  • Thematic afternoon seminars to catalyze research collaboration both between research groups and between researchers and practitioners
  • Intensive and seminar courses on OR topics and related fields

ACOR works in close collaboration with The Finnish Operations Research Society (FORS) and supports activities which aim at improving collaboration between universities and other research stakeholders, such as The Customized Business Projects concept and Seminar on case studies in operations research.

ACOR warmly welcomes new ideas on how to catalyze OR related research collaboration in Aalto!


Contact & organization

ACOR is a strategic initiative of Aalto School of Science and it is located at Systems Analysis Laboratory, Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis. It is coordinated by Antti Punkka.

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