School of Engineering

Aalto ENG: Award for Achievements in Teaching

The School of Engineering recognises meritorious teaching work annually with the Award for Achievements in Teaching.
Uusia tutkintotodistuskansioita 2019 alkaen

Every year, the School of Engineering honours a teacher or group of teachers for meritorious teaching work with the Award for Achievements in Teaching. The school's students and staff are invited to submit their nominations for the award annually. The winner of the award is decided by the dean based on a proposal by the vice dean for education.

The selection process seeks meritorious teaching based on one or several of the following themes: 

  • Supporting teachers' collaboration, co-teaching and wellbeing.  
  • Paying attention to students’ wellbeing in teaching and supervising, availability and accessibility of guidance. 
  • Development of teaching competence in a way it shows in practice: diversity of teaching and assessment methods and applicability to the subject, students' study time allocation and workload as well as collecting and utilizing student feedback in course development.
  • Pedagogically meaningful use of educational technology in teaching and supervising. 
  • Implementing multidisciplinarity in teaching (participants, subject matter and teachers). 
  • Teaching-related collaboration with stakeholders that supports students' learning and motivation.
  • Active participation in the development of own programme/major or other contribution to broader pedagogical development.

The School of Engineering Award for Achievements in Teaching 2023 - Submit your proposal by 19 January 2024

The staff and students at the School of Engineering are asked to submit proposals for the winner of the Award for Achievements in Teaching 2023.

Submit your proposal
Students flying kite

Award winners

Previous winners of the award can be found below, along with the grounds for their selection.

  • Published:
  • Updated:
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