School of Business

Career Services for International Students

The School of Business Career Services has a variety of services available for international students who are looking to find employment and integrate into the Finnish working life.
Two people are standing on a balcony and looking into the distance. Text Act Early embedded into the picture.

Why should you ACT EARLY?

According to studies and a recent student business project run by the School, having prior work experience and/or networks in Finland is essential for our international students to land a job or start a business in Finland. Finnish students most likely already have experience of working in Finland and relevant networks, so you may have some catching up to do.

To be able to build the networks and gain work experience, you need to ACT EARLY - preferably already before you start your studies - for example by familiarizing yourself with the Finnish working life from online sources. From the very beginning of your studies, start to actively use the services provided by our School's Career Services. 

The aim of this page is to help you, our international student, by giving you tips and highlighting some of the services that we find particularly relevant to you.

However, we recommend that you also check out all of our services, which you can find here: Career Services for School of Business students | Aalto University

In a nutshell, what should you do?

  • Be active: use the services, attend different kind of events or student union activities and learn about the Finnish working life
  • Network: get to know your fellow students and attend events with companies and alumni, participate in recruitment events
  • Get work experience: apply for an internship or a summer job
  • If in doubt: contact Career Services and ask for help! ([email protected])

If you are wondering about the timing and how to plan your career planning, please visit this site (requires Aalto login): Prepare for Your Future Career | Aalto University

School of Business Career Services

It is always reassuring to have our School behind our back and offering job search help whenever needed.

Source: Aalto University School of Business Career Services Student Survey 2024

Important Services for International Students

Below we have listed some recurring and ongoing events and initiatives that we recommend especially for our international students. In addition to these, the Career Services organises regularly also other events especially targeted to international students. Those can be found in JobTeaser Events, so remember to check it out actively!

Link to JobTeaser Events (requires authentication with Aalto credentials): Events (


Finland Works -course

We recommend all international students to take the Finland Works -course and get familiar with Finnish working life. Once you have finished this course you will have a better understanding of work culture in Finland, what working in a Finnish company is like, how individuals find work-life balance in Finland, how to communicate your skills, and how to look for jobs in Finland. This is an open online course. 

Read more: Finland Works – Lifewide Learning (

Aalto University Mentoring Programme

The Mentoring Programme offers invaluable opportunities for networking and gaining information about Finnish working life. Apply for the Mentoring Programme and find a meaningful direction for your career! Mentors are mainly Aalto University graduates, our alumni. The program runs yearly and the application period is usually in September-October.

Read more: Mentoring programme for students and alumni | Aalto University

Aalto International Talent Program

Aalto International Talent Program is a group mentoring and networking initiative designed to support our international students' careers. The program brings together international Master's and Doctoral students and Finnish companies. The program runs yearly and the application period is usually in October-November. 

Read more: Aalto International Talent Program | Aalto University

Aalto Talent Expo & Summer Job Fairs

By attending the events you can gain valuable networking opportunities and learn about the Finnish companies and available job or internship opportunities.

How to find the right companies? Employers, that can hire also non-Finnish speaking students are marked with a special en-sign at our fair and listed at the event web page and in flyers.

Read more about Aalto Talent Expo: For students | Aalto University

Read more about Summer Job Day: Summer Job Day -event | Aalto University

Personal Job Search Coaching

You can book a time for a personal Job Search coaching session with Career Services advisors. We can discuss about career opportunities, finetune your CV or Cover Letter or for example help with preparing for an interview. We can meet online or at the Otaniemi campus.

Book a time in JobTeaser (requires authentication with Aalto credentials): Appointments / JobTeaser

Internship Support for Internships in Finland

Our Internship Support Programme provides funding to micro, small and medium sized companies, non-profit organizations and state organizations in Finland for employing School of Business International Degree Students as interns. The aim of the support is to give international degree students an advantage in finding employment in Finland.

For more information: BIZ internships in Finland

Aalto JobTeaser

Aalto JobTeaser is the main career hub for Aalto University students. You can use the service as soon as you receive the aalto credentials. You can find in JobTeaser:

  • Job portal, where you can find job and internship ads that are suitable for Aalto University students
  • Event calendar, where you can find all Career Services events
  • Job Search Guide, where you can find a lot of important information to help you in searching or starting a job in Finland. For example information about how to write a CV or cover letter in Finland or succeed in a job interview, employment contracts, links to international job portals, training videos and much more.
  • Personal Job Search Coaching appointments, book a time with Career Services adviser to discuss about your career or job search
  • Companies, get to know Aalto University partner organisations and many more

Link to Aalto JobTeaser (requires authentication with Aalto credentials):

Aalto JobTeaser (

Get to know our services

Aalto University School of Business offers wide range of career services for our students

Career Services for School of Business students

Aalto University School of Business Career Services offer a wide range of services to our students.

School of Business

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