School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Contact information: School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Find out more about us, our experts in art, design and architecture, or contact our management.
School of Arts, Design and Architecture by Sari Dhima

Visiting address

School of Arts, Design and Architecture by Sari Dhima


Otaniementie 14
School of Arts, Design and Architecture


Postal address

Aalto University
School of Arts, Design and Architecture
PO Box 31000
FI-00076 AALTO

Switchboard: +358 9 47001

Inquiries regarding applying:
[email protected]

Inquiries regarding studying:
[email protected]

Media requests

If you are looking for an expert in art, design or architecture – or just want to find out more about us, the Communications team is happy to help.

Sini Koskimies
Communications Manager
[email protected]
tel. +358 50 476 0694



Dean, Tuomas Auvinen
[email protected]

Executive Assistant Satu Mäkinen
tel. +358 50 598 2451
[email protected]

Vice Deans

Architect Heli Rekula
Responsible for art and creative practices
tel. +358 50 329 0017
heli[email protected]

Professor Turkka Keinonen
Responsible for research
[email protected]

Lecturer Rasmus Vuori
Responsible for education
tel. +358 50 576 3092
[email protected]

Department heads

Department of Architecture
Professor Pirjo Sanaksenaho
+358 50 571 4900
[email protected]

Department of Film
Lecturer Anna Heiskanen
+358 40 763 9005
[email protected]

Department of Art and Media
Professor Harri Laakso
+358 50 309 0654
[email protected]

Department of Design
Professor Tuuli Mattelmäki
+358 050 372 4428
[email protected]

Development Manager
Sari Antila
+358 40 758 3870
[email protected]

Finance Manager
Tuomo Lukkarinen

+358 50 571 1721
[email protected]

HR Manager
Mari Paloheimo

+358 50 349 3525
[email protected]

School of Arts, Design and Architecture Learning Services

School of Arts, Design and Architecture Learning Services staff by remits and teams.

Read more
Abstract image with several small square pieces in blue, aubergine and red. Photo by Aalto University / Mikko Raskinen

Registry Office at Aalto University

Open Mon–Fri from 9.00–15.00 email: [email protected]
Telephone: +358 50 406 1141

Postal address: 
PO Box 11000
FI-00076 AALTO

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