Research & Art

New European Bauhaus at Aalto University

The EU initiative imagines future ways of living by combining design, culture, social inclusion, science and technology. Aalto University is one of the first partners in the project.
Kokoon modular living system is made of wood. Photo: Tuomas Uusheimo
Kokoon modular living system is made of wood. Photo: Tuomas Uusheimo

The New European Bauhaus is a built-environment development project that combines design, sustainable development, accessibility, affordability and the targeting of investments. The project is part of the European Commission’s European Green Deal programme.

The initiative is aimed at forming a discussion forum and laboratory that transcends borders to bring together architects, artists, designers, engineers, scientists, students, and citizens. The core values of the initiate are sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion.

The built environment causes more than a third of our carbon footprint, and half of the world’s natural resources are consumed in construction each year. It also has a strong impact on our daily lives, our identities, wellbeing and biodiversity.

In Europe, the Green Deal aims to make significant improvements to the sustainability of the built environment in the coming years.

How you as an Aalto academic can participate:

  1. Propose an NEB pilot project.
  2. Apply for new NEB research funding.
  3. Propose content for the NEB Festival.
  4. Participate in an NEB Prize competition.
  5. Comment the NEB mission working paper.
  6. Join Aalto’s New European Bauhaus workspace on Teams for discussion and ideas.

How can I take part as a member of Aalto?

Puurakenteisen Luukku-talon sisätiloja.
Luukku House was designed to have a low carbon footprint. Photo: Anne Kinnunen, Aalto University.

Finland has ambitious climate goals with its aim of being the first EU member to become carbon neutral.

As a Bauhaus partner, Aalto is focussing on three themes:

  1. Low-carbon construction using carbon sinks and sequestering. We explore how wood architecture, landscape design, circular economy, urban metabolism and sustainable financing can further the aim of carbon neutrality.
  2. Strengthening of local identities and culture through sustainable architecture and area planning. The need is pronounced in low-income areas that are exposed to climate-related hazards and disaster risks. Architects need to understand the needs of the community and natural diversity, so as to design living environments that can operationally respond to these needs — but this requires real shifts in mindset.
  3. Building a digital community around new ways of thinking and creative approaches. The plan is to create digital learning materials and participatory platforms to develop built environments.

Further information:

Senior specialist Enni Äijälä, [email protected]
For questions concerning funding, contact Research Support Services. See the Pre-Award team contacts for specific schools here.

“If the European green deal has a soul, it is the New European Bauhaus.”

Ursula von der Leyen


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Vibrant living environments are created through more inclusive, sustainable and aesthetic design

Aalto University's New European Bauhaus event sought bold perspectives on multidisciplinary and systemic change.

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Aalto is a partner in the New European Bauhaus initiative

The EU initiative imagines future ways of living by combining design, culture, social inclusion, science and technology.

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