Vibrant living environments are created through more inclusive, sustainable and aesthetic design
Aalto University's New European Bauhaus event sought bold perspectives on multidisciplinary and systemic change.
The New European Bauhaus is a built-environment development project that combines design, sustainable development, accessibility, affordability and the targeting of investments. The project is part of the European Commission’s European Green Deal programme.
The initiative is aimed at forming a discussion forum and laboratory that transcends borders to bring together architects, artists, designers, engineers, scientists, students, and citizens. The core values of the initiate are sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion.
The built environment causes more than a third of our carbon footprint, and half of the world’s natural resources are consumed in construction each year. It also has a strong impact on our daily lives, our identities, wellbeing and biodiversity.
In Europe, the Green Deal aims to make significant improvements to the sustainability of the built environment in the coming years.
'Aalto’s leadership strongly supports this initiative. Pioneers have a good opportunity to influence how European cities and construction are made carbon-neutral and socially and ecologically sustainable', says Ossi Naukkarinen, Vice President for Research.
Aalto's research areas combine science, architecture, art, technology and business in a unique way, which matches the philosophy of the New European Bauhaus project.
'We are one of the world’s leading universities in the fields of design and architecture. By combining different scales of research and design from nanomaterials to products, from buildings to cities and landscape architecture utilising tools like participatory space design and virtual reality, radically new solutions can emerge', says Tuomas Auvinen, Dean of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture.
The Bauhaus initiative sets out an attractive vision for a sustainable European way of life and will accelerate cooperation across organisations through pilot projects.
'We want to change the mindset in construction so that operations are in balance with nature. To this end, we will build a strong community with researchers, designers, architects and companies who want to develop the construction industry to support the well-being of our entire planet’, says Adjunct Professor Matti Kuittinen, who has been preparing the project.
The New European Bauhaus 2021–2024+ will proceed in three partly overlapping stages:
The co-design stage, which concluded in summer 2021, mapped ideas, defined the most urgent needs and challenges, and created connections between the different parties involved.
The initiative entered stage 2, Delivery, on 15 September 2021. A result of the co-design stage was the creation of a content plan and a funding support framework for the delivery stage. In addition, an application period opened for five spearhead pilot projects.
On 2023, the European Commission proposed a potential new EU Mission for the New European Bauhaus to revitalise neighbourhoods across Europe with European Design for Sustainability and Inclusion.
At the EU level, 85 million euros have been earmarked from the existing funding programmes Horizon Europe, Single Market Programme, and LIFE. Horizon Europe has reserved 25 million euros for first pilot projects, Transformation of places on the ground. The Commission calls on member states also to organise their own funding channels.
The EU Commission is setting up the following support operations for the initiative.
Let us know if you are organising an event. We will update the list. Event times are in EET (UTC+02:00).
3.10.2024 at 9:00–12:00 New European Bauhaus - morning coffee. The talk event will be held in Finnish at Otaniemi, Espoo. Register and find out more.
6.9.-3.10.2024 Designs for a Cooler Planet exhibitions and events. Address: Aalto University, Marsio building, Otakaari 2, Espoo.Theme: Makers of the impossible. More information.
9.-13.4.2024 The New European Bauhaus festival, get to know our programme:
Lisätietoja: [email protected]
6 Sep - 6 Oct, 2023 Designs for a Cooler Planetexhibitions and events at Otaniemi and online. Organiser: Aalto University. Theme: Invisible – what don't we see even though we should? Additional information. Partners: NEB ja Helsinki Design Week
30 May -2 June, 2023 Aalto University is partnering with the World Circular Economy Forum 2023 that takes place at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre.
28 Nov - Dec, 2022, 'Wardrobe of the Future' exhibition is a vision by Aalto University's experts for a sustainable future for the fashion and textile industry. The exhibition will be on display at the European Parliament in Brussels just as the European Union's textile strategy is being discussed by the parliament.
25 Nov, 2022, 10:00–14:40 Into the Woods. How can forests provide inspiration and material for sustainable construction, while fostering biodiversity and carbon sinks. Welcome: Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister of Estonia, Ulf Kristersson, Prime Minister of Sweden. Read more & Contact: Matti Kuittinen
7 Sept –12 Oct, 2022 Designs for a Cooler Planet exhibitions and events at Otaniemi and online. Organiser: Aalto University. Additional information. Theme: What's Life 1.5 like? Partners: NEB ja Helsinki Design Week
10 June, 2022, 10.45 – 11.45 New European Bauhaus Festival
Education and the New European Bauhaus...let's imagine it!
Dialogue: Petri Suomala (Vice President, Education) and Danica Dakic (Artist).
Venue: Gare Maritime, Brussels. Read more.
10 June, 2022, 9.00 – 10.30 New European Bauhaus Festival.
Moving towards regenerative design in the built environment. Panel discussion ie. Matti Kuittinen (Aalto University ja Ministry of Environment). Venue: Gare Maritime, Brussels. Read more or watch onYoutube.
9 June 2022 (12.00 – 18.00 New European Bauhaus Festival.
Frontiers of Circular Architecture. Venue: Maison de la Poste, Rue Picard 5/7, 1000 Brussels & or participate ONLINE. Read more ja register.
28 October 2021 (13.00–16.00) The New European Bauhaus Goes Digital. The event invites the creative field to discuss and learn what digitalisation means in architecture, design and art. Read more or Register. Partners: The Building Information Foundation RTS, Aalto University, University of Porto, the Bureau of European Design Associations BEDA, Archinfo Finland.
8–29 Sept 2021: Designs for a Cooler Planet exhibitions and events at Otaniemi and online. Organiser: Aalto University. Additional information online and in the event calendar. Partners: NEB, Helsinki Design Week, and the Year of Research-based Knowledge 2021
26 August 2021, 14.00–17.00: Online Discussions on Inclusion and Aesthetics. Live-stream seminar. Organised by NEB partner Accessible Arts and Culture (ACCAC), the City of Tampere, Bright Finland and Aalto University. Aalto speaker: Sanna Lehtinen, Research Fellow. More programme info here.
6 June 2021, 12.00–14.00: What should designers and city planners know about biochar? Place: Zoom Meeting, Meeting ID: 627 6824 2985. Organiser: Aalto University, Mikko Jalas.
19 May 2021, 13.00–16.00: Wood Architecture and Design in Bauhaus. Organiser: Aalto University, Nordic Wood Cities and the Ministry of the Environment. Register.
8 May 2021, 12.00–13.00: The National New European Bauhaus event. Organisers: The European Commission and Finland’s Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Education and Culture. The speakers include Professor Matti Kuittinen. Follow the event in its entirety 7–9 May via Live Katsomo.
6 May 2021, 10.30–12.00: Carbon-smart Urban Landscape. Organiser: Aalto University’s CO-CARBON and SmartLand research projects.Register.
May 5 2021, 14.00–17.00: Beyond sustainability-as-usual: co-creating transformative change in sustainable living. Chair: Idil Gaziulusoy. Bauhaus remarks: Anna Valtonen. Organiser: Aalto University. New European Bauhaus – Main event, joint development of partnerships. Register.
28 April 2021: 18.00–20.00: LASERtalk: Adaptation and Space. Organiser: Aalto University.
28 April 2021, 13.00–16.00: Nordic Co-design event 2: Sustainable aesthetics in the built environment. Organiser: Ministry of the Environment.Register.
24 March 2021, 13.00–16.00: Nordic Co-design: New European Bauhaus. Chairman: Matti Kuittinen. Organiser: Ministry of the Environment.
How you as an Aalto academic can participate:
This call has ended.
The EU Commission has put a call for proposals for its ‘lighthouse demonstrator’ pilot projects, particularly for tangible and replicable concepts that can produce long-term benefits. The projects should support the three values of Bauhaus: sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion.
New pilots and solutions are sought particularly in the following areas: climate-neutral cities, adaptation of the built environment to the effects of climate change, flooding and sea-level rise, nature-based systems, green area planning, healthy housing and lifestyle changes.
What might be Aalto’s pilot proposal?
The EU Commission plans to open a number of funding opportunities. New European Bauhaus projects do not have their own funding programme. Instead, 85 million euros has been earmarked for 2021–2022 from other EU programmes.
Overview of NEB funding opportunities, check the latests opportunities:
Need help with your application? Contact the Research Support Services Pre-Award team. The contact person for ARTS is [email protected].
Are you interest in the campus area and testing new sustainability concepts at Otaniemi? Make a proposal to Aalto University Campus & Real Estate (ACRE) about a campus development pilot project for which you are seeking NEB funding. The contact person is Antti Säynäjoki, [email protected].
The EU Commission is organising a festival as meeting place where individuals and organisations can share content and present solutions. Aalto is in itself a Bauhaus microcosm, with our competencies for presenting crossdisciplinary research. The festival offers a splendid opportunity to showcase exhibitions, workshops or talks.
> if you are applying to be part of the NEB-festival or are interested in the topic, please contact Enni Äijälä, [email protected].
New European Bauhaus 2023 Prizes.
The Prizes recognise and reward existing projects and young people’s concepts, that represe sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusiveness.
Prizes will be awarded to projects and ideas in four categories:
Strand A: “New European Bauhaus Champions”, existing and completed projects
Strand B: “New European Bauhaus Rising Stars”, young talents aged 30 years old or younger
Apply by 10 November 2023 at 19:00 CET.
Read more:
Contact person for things related to teaching: [email protected]
Finland has ambitious climate goals with its aim of being the first EU member to become carbon neutral.
As a Bauhaus partner, Aalto is focussing on three themes:
Further information:
Senior specialist Enni Äijälä, [email protected]
For questions concerning funding, contact Research Support Services. See the Pre-Award team contacts for specific schools here.
Ursula von der Leyen“If the European green deal has a soul, it is the New European Bauhaus.”
Aalto's main event in New European Bauhaus concentrates on radically bold questions.
Visit Designs for a Cooler Planet festival in Otaniemi on 6 Sep – 3 Oct 2024 to challenge your perception of the possible.
Aalto University's New European Bauhaus event sought bold perspectives on multidisciplinary and systemic change.
The EU initiative imagines future ways of living by combining design, culture, social inclusion, science and technology.
The World Circular Economy Forum WCEF will bring together the world's leading circular economy professionals in Helsinki in May-June 2023.