Student Guide

Master's Programme in Mathematics and Operations Research

Curriculum 2017–2018


There are three majors in the Master's Programme in Mathematics and Operations Research:

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Mathematics
  • Systems and Operations Research.

The choice of major is confirmed in the Personal Study Plan at the beginning of the studies.

Applied Mathematics major


Systems and Operations Research

Professors in charge: Harri Ehtamo, Ahti Salo, Kai Virtanen

Credits: 41

Abbreviation: OR

Code: SCI3055

The goal of the major in Systems and Operations Research is to teach the students modelling methods and practical skills for problem solving and decision making in complex industrial, managerial, economic, and environmental problems. The core is an engineering-economic systems approach, which is based on systems thinking and mathematical modelling. The field of Operations Research (OR) is generally called “the Science of Better”. OR people can work to improve the efficiency of processes or logistics, to optimize the use of limited resources, or to make better decisions under multiple criteria and risks. An important sub-area of OR called Analytics uses OR methods on large data sets to make better data-based decisions. Systems analysis and OR are needed everywhere in the modern society. Modelling and decision support are essential in energy markets and environmental management as well as in understanding the complex dynamics of climate change.

The core topics in the major include optimization, simulation, dynamic systems, decision modelling, statistics, forecasting, risk analysis, as well as hands on laboratory modelling and project case studies on real industrial problems. The major also provides an excellent basis for doctoral studies and many students do continue their studies to a doctoral degree. The graduates in Systems and Operations Research are in high demand in many areas ranging from the financial sector to industry, energy, and environment.


Elective studies 25–35 cr

Master's thesis 30 cr

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