Student Guide

Master's Programme in Business Law


 Anna Kuparinen

Anna Kuparinen

Planning officer
Programme specific study counselling and personal study plans (PSP / HOPS)

Academic tutoring

If you have questions regarding a specific topic, please be in touch with the professors below.

Guidance office hours

The contact information below is for programmes on Otaniemi campus. The contact information for the International Business programme on Mikkeli campus can be found here.

Study counselling

Salla Mäkinen

Planning officer
Counselling 1st year students in Bachelor's Programme in Business (incl. accessibility), applications for extension to the right to study

Vilja Luomala

Planning officer
Counselling 1st year students in Bachelor's Programme in Business

Jenni Hirvensalo

Planning officer
Counselling 1st year students in Bachelor's Programme in Business

Kati Halminen

Planning officer
Management BSc major and Dept. of Management Studies MSc programmes: PMOD, SMCW, Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Anna Kuparinen

Planning officer
Information and service management (ISM) BSc major and MSc programme

Tatiana Penttinen

Planning officer
Marketing BSc major and MSc programme
 Petra Kuisma

Petra Kuisma

Planning officer
Accounting and business law BSc majors and MSc programmes

Elina Yrjänäinen

Planning officer
Economics BSc major and MSc programme, Bachelor's Programme in Economics

Johanna Rametta

Planning officer
International Design Business Management and Creative Sustainability MSc programmes

Elina Nykänen

Planning officer
Business Analytics and Global Management MSc programmes

Marie Perret

Planning officer
Finance BSc major and MSc programme

Exchange services

Sanna Krigsholm

Planning officer
Outgoing exchange students (exchange studies)

Sanna Huovinen-Kiuru

Planning officer
Outgoing exchange students (exchange application)
 Jutta Lankinen

Jutta Lankinen

Planning officer
Incoming exchange students

Joni-Petteri Hytönen

Credit transfer for exchange studies
 Saila Kurtbay

Saila Kurtbay

Head of International Affairs
International co-operation and exchange agreements

Graduation and general study affairs

Riina Kontkanen

Exam arrangements, BSc diplomas

Tanja Nurmi

MSc diplomas, Dean's list & Ilkka Kontula grants, exemption applications for language requirements, JOO study rights

Marie Perret

Planning officer
Accessibility and equality, individual study arrangements

Jenni Hirvensalo

Masters programme admission
 Pia Lahti

Pia Lahti

Manager of academic affairs
Principles of good scientific conduct and responsible behaviour
 Riikka Leikola

Riikka Leikola

Planning officer
Support and development of study programmes, curriculum planning

Picture of Aalto University School of Business building captured from outside in the spring.

School of Business

Get in contact with our management and experts and find the School of Business locations. We operate in Otaniemi (Espoo) and in Mikkeli.

School of Business
Yhteystiedot-osion kuvitus

Aalto University contact information

Contact information e.g. for the registry office, admission services, as well as bank and invoicing details.

Aalto University
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KY - Aalto University Business Students (external link)

KY is an association for business students at Aalto University. All degree students at Aalto University School of Business can join KY.

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