Student Guide
Master's Programme in Building Technology
Programme main page
Recommended timetable
Careful planning of your studies ensures a smooth and coherent path from orientation to graduation. The recommended progress is 60 credits during one academic year (fall+spring).
During first year you should do the common studies (30 credits) and approximately 30 credits of advanced and elective studies. In second year you should do the the rest of the advanced and elective studies and your Master's thesis. For example, the spring term of the 2nd year of studies can be devoted to the Master's thesis.
Study paths
The professors of the programme have prepared ready-made study paths, i.e. suggestions for how to select a meaningful set of courses for a certain specialisation. Please note that the study paths are only recommendations. Students are also free to create their own individual study path (for the structure of the programme, see Curriculum 2022-2024). Some of the study paths are designed to meet certain professional qualifications and in these cases the recommendations should be more strictly followed. Please note that the study paths generally cover both advanced and elective studies of your degree.
Aging Management of Structures is a multidisciplinary field that concentrates on concrete technology, design of structures, building physics, and indoor environment technology. For Building Technology -students interested in an Aging Management of Structures career, we recommend the following path of studies.
Common studies (30 cr)
Advanced studies (30 cr)
CIV-E2020 - Concrete Technology
CIV-E2040 - Maintenance and Repair of Structures
CIV-E4040 - Reinforced Concrete Structures
CIV-E4050 - Prestressed and Composite Concrete Structures
CIV-E3010 - Applied Building Physics and Design
+ One of the following:
CIV-E2030 - Experimental Methods in Building Materials
CIV-E3030 - Indoor Air Quality
Elective studies (30 cr)
Choose six courses from the list
CIV-E2080 - Design Process Management
CIV-E2050 - Operations Management in Construction
CIV-E2060 - Production Technology of Concrete Structures
CIV-E2070 - Strategic Management of Construction
CIV-E3020 - Design of Energy Efficient Buildings
CIV-E3040 - Indoor Environment Technology
CIV-E4030 - Engineering Design Exercises
CIV-E4060 - Steel Structures
CIV-E4100 - Stability of Structures
CIV-E4110 - Timber Engineering
Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Start planning a thesis topic during your first year of studies.
Career possibilities
The suggested collection of courses provides sufficient contents for applying the Finnish Maintenance and repair of concrete structures designer qualification [1, 2], or Condition survey of concrete structures scientist qualification [3]. Note that completing these courses will not automatically lead to any formal recognition of Aging Management of Structures in your Master’s certificate.
You should preferably include the following topics already in your Bachelor degree
RAK-C3006 - Rakennetekniikan perusteet
RAK-C3007 - Rakennushankkeen perusteet
FISE Qualification of Professionals in Building, HVAC and Real Estate Sector in Finland. (cited in August 2, 2016).
Ministry of Environment: Guide for the eligibility of designers of buildings. (cited in August 3, 2016).
FISE Qualification of Professionals in Building, HVAC and Real Estate Sector in Finland. in August 2, 2016).
Analysis and simulation is an area which is both classical and rapidly growing in the field of civil engineering, touching practically each subfield of building technology. Hand calculations and experimental test are nowadays mostly replaced by computer-aided engineering analysis and simulation tools which require solid understanding of mathematics and physics combined with engineering design and analysis principles as well as software skills.
Career prospects
Following the suggested course collections provides various career paths in different types of companies and institutes all over the world: from a structural designer and structural analysts to a simulation specialist within research and development in industries, institutes and academia.
One should preferably include some of the following topics already in the Bachelor degree, although corresponding studies can be also included in MSc level elective studies:
MS-C1340 Lineaarialgebra ja differentiaaliyhtälöt (linear algebra and differential equations)
MS-C1650 Numeerinen analyysi (numerical analysis)
MS-C1350 Osittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälöt (partial differential equations)
CS-A1141 Data Structures and Algorithms
BSc Minor in Computation and Modelling in Engineering
Common studies (30 cr)
Advanced studies (30 cr)
CIV-E4090 Mechanics of plate and shell structures
CIV-E4010 Finite element methods in civil engineering
CIV-E4100 Stability of structures
CIV-E4080 Material modeling in civil engineering
+ two of the following courses:
CIV-E3050 Fire dynamics and simulation
CIV-E4040 Reinforced concrete structures
CIV-E4060 Steel structures
CIV-E4120 Timber structures
Elective studies (30 cr)
Six courses from the following:
CIV-E3050 Fire dynamics and simulation
CIV-E4040 Reinforced concrete structures
CIV-E4050 Prestressed and composite concrete structures
CIV-E4060 Steel structures
CIV-E4020 Design of bridges
CIV-E4120 Timber structures
CIV-E3010 Applied building physics and design
CIV-E4070 Composite steel structures
CIV-E4030 Engineering design exercises
CIV-E Special Assignment or Project Work (on a topic related to your Master’s Thesis)
MEC-E1040 Dynamics of structures
MEC-E1020 Fluid dynamics
EEN-E2001 Computational fluid dynamics
MS-E1653 Finite element method
Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Bridge engineering is a significant branch of structural engineering dealing with the surveying, plan, design, analysis, construction, management and maintenance of bridges that support or resist loads. Bridge engineering theory is based upon structural mechanics and knowledge of different construction materials. Bridge engineers need to make innovative and high efficient use of financial resources, construction materials, calculation and construction technologies etc., to achieve these objectives. In addition, a bridge engineer must consider various design aspects and needs, including safety, functionality, constructability, environment compatibility, durability, maintainability, economical, and aesthetics. Bridge engineer is the main designer of the bridge-part of the project, and collaborate with engineers in other fields when needed.
Common studies (30 cr)
Advanced studies (30 cr)
CIV-E4020 - Design of Bridges
CIV-E4040 - Reinforced Concrete Structures
CIV-E4050 - Prestressed and Composite Concrete Structures
CIV-E4060 - Steel structures
CIV-E4070 - Composite steel structures
CIV-E4100 -Stability of Structures
Elective studies (30 cr)
Choose six courses from the list
GEO-E1020 -Geotechnics
CIV-E4010 - Finite Element Methods in Civil Engineering
CIV-E2060 - Production Technology of Concrete Structures
CIV-E4090 - Mechanics of Plate and Shell Structures
CIV-E4030 - Engineering Design Exercises
CIV-E5000 - Special Assignment in Building Technology
CIV-E4110 - Timber Engineering
CIV-E4120 - Timber Structures
Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Master thesis is typically done from the topic agreed by the company the student is working and the supervising professor.
Career possibilities:
Bridge Engineers are employed as designers, consulting engineers, officials and bridge experts in bridge owning organizations; bridge and bridge renovation contractors; and site engineers in international construction projects. In Finland, the design of major and signature bridges has developed to an export service that is provided around the World. Therefore, also the bridge engineers with foreign background can be employed in Finnish companies.
The study path covers a range of multidisciplinary topics connected to building physics. The objective is to acquire new knowledge and design methods for sustainable, energy-efficient and healthy built environment with a focus on physical performance in buildings. The study path, together with other offered courses, fulfills the needs for qualified competence: academic researchers and professional designers with relevant experience e.g.
The following courses are recommended in the study path:
Common studies (30 cr)
Advanced studies (30 cr)
CIV-E2040 Maintenance and repair of structures
CIV-E3010 Applied building physics and design
CIV-E3020 Design of energy efficient buildings
CIV-E3040 Indoor environment technology
CIV-E3050 Fire dynamics and simulation
CIV-E4080 Material modelling in civil engineering
Elective studies (30 cr, select 6 courses below)
Computer, Communication and Information Sciences
ELEC-E5680 Virtual Acoustics
ELEC-E5670 Acoustical Measurements D
Automation and Electrical Engineering
ELEC-E8700 Principles and fundamentals of lighting
ELEC-E8701 Lighting technology and applications
Building technology
ARK-E3520 Construction Documents
CIV-E4040 Reinforced Concrete Structures
CIV-E4060 Steel Structures
CIV-E4110 Timber Engineering
Energy Technology
MEC-E1020 Fluid dynamics
AAE-E2004 Mass transfer (earlier with code EEN-E2004)
AAE-E4003 Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems
AAE-E4007 Building Energy Optimization
WAT-E2060 Sustainable Built Environment
EEN-E4005 Sustainable Building Energy Systems
ARK-E1022 Sustainability Tools for the Built Environment
Applied Physics
PHYS-E6570 Solar energy engineering
Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Start planning your thesis topic during your first year of studies.
Construction management is a practice-oriented field that integrates the building technology with social sciences, such as operations management, economics, and strategic management. In Finland, construction management experts are needed in various positions among clients and developers, construction agency organizations, and construction companies.
The content of the study path is related to official requirements of construction managers (see more at:
Common studies (30 cr)
Advanced studies (30 cr)
CIV-E2050 Operations Management in Construction
CIV-E2070 Strategic Management in Construction
CIV-E2080 Design Process Management
CIV-E5000 Special Assignment in Building Technology
CIV-E2020 Concrete Technology
CIV-E2060 Production Technology of Concrete Structures
Elective studies (30 cr)
Choose 3-6 of the following courses (Note! Some courses have pre-requirements):
CIV-E3030 Indoor Air Quality
CIV-E3010 Applied Building Physics and Design
CIV-E3020 Design of Energy Efficient Buildings
CIV-E3050 Fire dynamics and simulation
CIV-E4040 Reinforced Concrete Structures
CIV-E4050 Prestressed and Precast Concrete Structures
CIV-E4060 Steel Structures
CIV-E4020 Design of Bridges
CIV-E4110 Timber Engineering
CIV-E2030 Experimental methods in building materials
CIV-E2040 Maintenance and repair of structures
Choose 0-3 courses of the following Minors or full Minor studies (Note! Some courses have pre-requirements and limitations regarding the number of students):
Operations Management:
TU-E2021 Advanced Operations Management
TU-E2031 Advanced Project-based Management
TU-E2013 Service Operations Management
TU-E2040 Management of External Resources
Real Estate Economics:
REC-E3100 Real Estate Economics
REC-E3400 Housing Economics
REC-E3300 Facility and Property Management
REC-E3600 Real Estate Market Analysis
REC-E3500 Urban Economics
You can also consider courses from other minors, such as:
Supply Chain Management
Accounting, advanced minor
Creativity and Venturing
Economics, advanced level
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
Financial Engineering
Information and Service Management, advanced level
International Business
Systems and Operations Research
Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Start discussion on the thesis topic in the beginning of the second study year.
You should preferably include the following topics already in your Bachelor degree
TU-A1100 - Tuotantotalous 1
TU-C3010 - Projektien suunnittelu ja ohjaus
The Design of Concrete Structures -study path offers students a comprehensive learning opportunity for engineering practices in concrete structures and also to get a theoretical competence required in Finland for designing exceptionally demanding concrete structures. The study path includes structural mechanics, concrete as a construction material, general principles of structural design including topics related particularly to concrete structures, and representing the outcome of the design as drawings. This study path also gives students possibility for learning to use contemporary design software.
Career opportunities
Upon successful completion of this study path, a student will be ready to perform design of concrete structures in practice and to pursue high level of academic degrees in the field of structural engineering. After the graduation and required professional experience, the courses listed can be used for applying for the certificate to design concrete structures in Finland (1).
You should preferably include the following topics already in your Bachelor degree
KIR-C2004 Materiaalitekniikka or COE-C2004 Materials Science and Engineering
KJR-C2001 Kiinteän aineen mekaniikan perusteet or COE-C2001 Foundations of Solid Mechanics
ENG-A1001 Tietokoneavusteiset työkalut insinööritieteissä or ENG-A2001 Computer-aided tools in engineering
KJR-C1001 Statiikka ja dynamiikka or COE-C1001 Statics and Dynamics
KJR-C2001 Kontinuumimekaniikan perusteet or COE-C2002 Foundations of Continuum Mechanics
List of courses
The courses bolded in the table are necessary for the competence. The formal requirement of FISE /1/ is that studies should include 45 credit points of courses supporting the design of concrete structures. Of these 45 credit points 20 credit points are to be directed structural mechanics and 25 credit points of the courses shall be taken from the field of structural design of concrete structures and concrete material technology.
Common studies (30 cr)
CIV-E1010 Building materials
CIV-E1020 Mechanics of Beam and Frame Structures
CIV-E1030 Fundamentals of Structural Design
CIV-E1040 Construction Management
CIV-E1050 Heat and Mass Transfer in Buildings
CIV-E1060 Engineering Computation and Simulation
Advanced studies (30 cr)
CIV-E4090 Mechanics of Plate and Shell Structures
CIV-E4100 Stability of Structures
CIV-E4010 Finite Element Methods in Civil Engineering
CIV-E4040 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
CIV-E4050 Prestressed and Precast Concrete Structures
CIV-E4030 Engineering Design Exercises
Elective studies (30 cr)
CIV-E2020 Concrete Technology
CIV-E2060 Production Technology of Concrete Structures
In addition four courses may be taken from the list below but other choices are also possible
CIV-E2030 Experimental Methods in Building Materials
CIV-E2040 Maintenance and Repair of Structures
CIV-E4080 Materials Modelling in Civil Engineering
CIV-E4020 Design of Bridges
GEO-E2080 Foundation Engineering and Ground Improvement
CIV-E4060 Steel Structures
CIV-E4070 Composite Steel Structures
CIV-E4110 Timber Engineering
CIV-E4120 Timber Structures
Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Start planning a thesis topic during your first year of studies.
FISE Qualification of Professionals in Building, HVAC and Real Estate Sector in Finland. (cited in August 2, 2016).
The study path offers students a comprehensive learning opportunity for engineering practice in steel structures. It covers structural mechanics, construction materials manufacturing and modelling, structural design principles particularly related to steel structures, and detailing of steel constructions. This study path also trains students with design project experience in steel structures and application of contemporary design software. Upon successful completion of this study path, a student will be ready to perform design of steel structures in a working environment and to pursue high level of academic degrees in the related field.
Career opportunities
Upon successful completion of this study path, a student will be ready to perform design of steel structures in a working environment and to pursue high level of academic degrees in the related field. Although taking the courses does not lead to any formal qualification, the enlisted courses can be used, after the graduation, to apply for the steel structures designer’s certificate (1).
You should preferably include the following topics already in your Bachelor degree:
KIR-C2004 Materiaalitekniikka or COE-C2004 Materials Science and Engineering
KJR-C2001 Kiinteän aineen mekaniikan perusteet or COE-C2001 Foundations of Solid Mechanics
ENG-A1001 Tietokoneavusteiset työkalut insinööritieteissä or ENG-A2001 Computer-aided tools in engineering
KJR-C1001 Statiikka ja dynamiikka or COE-C1001 Statics and Dynamics
KJR-C2001 Kontinuumimekaniikan perusteet or COE-C2002 Foundations of Continuum Mechanics
List of courses
Common studies (30 cr)
Advanced studies (30 cr)
CIV-E4060 Steel Structures
CIV-E4070 Composite Steel Structures
CIV-E4030 Engineering Design Exercises
CIV-E4100 Stability of Structures
CIV-E4090 Mechanics of Plates and Shells
CIV-E4010 Finite Element Methods in Civil Engineering
Elective studies (30 cr)
MEC-E6002 Welding Technology and Design
MEC-E7002 Manufacturing Methods
Choose four courses from the list:
CIV-E3050 Fire Dynamics and Simulation
CIV-E2080 Design Process Management
CIV-E4080 Material Modelling in Civil Engineering
CIV-E4090 Mechanics of Plates and Shells
CIV-E4040 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
CIV-E4050 Prestressed and Precast Concrete Structures
CIV-E4110 Timber Engineering
CIV-E4120 Timber Structures
CIV-E4020 Design of Bridges
CIV-E2040 Maintenance and Repair of Structures
GEO-E2080 Foundation Engineering and Ground Improvement
Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Start planning a thesis topic during your first year of studies.
FISE Qualification of Professionals in Building, HVAC and Real Estate Sector in Finland: (cited in August 2, 2016).
More information: Senior University Lecturer Lu Wei
The Design of Wooden Structures (Timber Structures) study path offers students a comprehensive learning opportunity for engineering practice in timber structures. It covers structural mechanics, engineered wood products and other construction materials and structural design principles particularly related to timber structures. This study path also trains students with a design project in timber structures.
Career opportunities
Upon successful completion of this study path, the student will be ready to perform design of wooden structures in a working environment and to pursue high level of academic degrees in the related field. Although taking the courses does not lead to any formal qualification, the enlisted courses can be used, after the graduation, to apply for the wooden structures designer’s certificate (1).
List of courses
The formal requirement of FISE qualification is that studies should include 45 credit points of courses supporting the design of wooden structures. Of these 45 credit points 20 credit points is to be directed structural mechanics and 25 credit points of the courses shall be taken from the field of structural design of wooden structures and wooden material technology.
Common studies (30 cr)
Advanced studies (30 cr)
CIV-E4090 Mechanics of Plate and Shell Structures
CIV-E4100 Stability of Structures
CIV-E4010 Finite Element Methods in Civil Engineering
CIV-E4110 Timber Engineering
CIV-E4120 Timber Structures
CIV-E4030 Engineering Design Exercises
Elective studies (30 cr)
CHEM-E2225 Wood Material Science
CHEM-E2235 Wood Products and Processes
In addition four courses may be taken from the list below but other choices are also possible
CIV-E2080 Design Process Management
CIV-E3010 Applied building physics and design
CIV-E3020 Design of Energy Efficient Buildings
CIV-E3050 Fire Dynamics and Simulation
CIV-E3060 Fire and evacuation risk analysis
CIV-E4010 Finite Element Methods in Civil Engineering
CIV-E4020 Design of Bridges
CIV-E4040 Reinforced Concrete Structures
CIV-E4050 Prestressed and Precast Concrete Structures
CIV-E4060 Steel Structures
CIV-E4070 Composite steel structures
CIV-E4080 Material Modelling in Civil Engineering
CIV-E4090 Mechanics of Plates and Shells
CIV-E4100 Stability of Structures
ARK-E4020 Wood Architecture, Lecture Course: Wood in Architecture and Construction
ARK-E1028 Wood Architecture Research Course: Industrial Wood Construction
Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Start planning a thesis topic during your first year of studies.
FISE Qualification of Professionals in Building, HVAC and Real Estate Sector in Finland. (cited in August 2, 2016).
Fire safety engineering is a multidisciplinary field that integrates the building technology with fundamental sciences, such as mathematics and physics, and professional skills for e.g. fluid dynamics and behavioral sciences. In Finland, new experts are needed in the companies designing structures and fire safety systems, as well as among the authorities.
Career possibilities
The suggested collection of courses provides sufficient contents for applying the Finnish Fire safety designer qualification (Paloturvallisuussuunnittelija) [1]. Note that completing these courses will not lead to any formal recognition of Fire Safety Engineering in your Master’s certificate.
Common studies (30 cr)
Advanced studies (30 cr)
CIV-E3050 Fire dynamics and simulation
CIV-E3060 Fire and evacuation risk analysis
CIV-E4060 Steel structures
CIV-E4110 Timber engineering
+ Two of the following:
CIV-E3040 Indoor Environment Technology
CIV-E3010 Applied building physics and design
CIV-E4070 Composite steel structures
CIV-E4040 Reinforced Concrete Structures
CIV-E4120 Timber structures
CIV-E3020 Design of Energy Efficient Buildings
Elective studies (30 cr)
Choose six courses from the list
MEC-E1020 Fluid Dynamics
EEN-E2003 Combustion
EEN-E2001 Computational Fluid Dynamics (includes tailored content for fire safety)
EEN-E4003 Ventilation and air-conditioning systems
MS-E2117 Riskianalyysi (Risk analysis)
MS-E2134 Decision making and problem solving
TU-E3150 Safety Management in Complex Sociotechnical Systems
MEC-E2009 Marine safety and risk
CHEM-E2105 Wood and wood products
Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Start planning a thesis topic during your first year of studies.
You should preferably include the following topics already in your Bachelor degree
MS-A050x - First course in probability and statistics or
MS-A050x - Todennäköisyyslaskennan ja tilastotieteen peruskurssi
FISE Qualification of Professionals in Building, Designer on Fire Safety
More information: Professor Simo Hostikka
The study path covers a range of multidisciplinary topics connected to indoor environment quality. The objective is to acquire new knowledge and design methods for sustainable,energy-efficient and healthy built environment with a focus on different indoor environment factors, such as on indoor air quality in buildings.
For Building Technology students interested in Indoor Environment quality we recommend the following path of studies. The courses have been selected to provide you with deeper understanding of e.g. indoor air quality, building physics, design of energy efficient buildings, indoor environment technology and maintenance and repair of structures. Note that completing these courses will not automatically lead to any formal recognition of Indoor environment/Indoor air quality in your Master’s certificate, but it offers courses you may include for different qualifications (e.g. RTA Rakennusterveysasiantuntija). E.g.:
Common studies (30 cr)
Advanced studies (30 cr)
CIV-E3010 Applied building physics and design
CIV-E3020 Design of energy efficient buildings
CIV-E3030 Indoor air quality
CIV-E3040 Indoor environment technology
CIV-E2040 Maintenance and repair of structures
CIV-E2050 Operations management in construction
Elective studies (30 cr, select 6 courses below)
Energy Technology
EEN-E4002 Heating and cooling systems
EEN-E4003 Ventilation and air conditioning systems
EEN-E4001 Comfortable and healthy indoor environments
Computer, Communication and Information Sciences
CS-E5510 Room Acoustics
CS-E5500 Acoustical Measurements
Automation and Electrical Engineering
ELEC-E8700 Principles and fundamentals of lighting
ELEC-E8701 Lighting technology and applications
ELEC-E8702 Electrical installations in buildings
ELEC-E5640 Noise Control
School of Chemical Technology
CHEM-E2105, Wood and Wood Products
Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Start planning a thesis topic during your first year of studies
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