Student Guide

Master's Programme in Biological and Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable Bioeconomy

Planning your studies

On this page you can find information on planning your studies in the Master's Programme in Biological and Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable Bioeconomy (Bioceb).

Sisu instructions main page illustration

Sisu instructions: front page

The front page of Sisu instructions for students

Applications, instructions and guidelines

Academic advising

The school appoints an academic advisor to each new student. Academic advisors are mainly professors and lecturers. An academic advisor is appointed for the duration of the whole degree, meaning two years for the master's programme. The Learning services support and coordinate the academic advising.

The aims of academic advising are to integrate students into the university community, facilitate the interaction between students and academic staff, increase students’ motivation and study progress as well support students at every stage of their studies. For students, academic advising is a good opportunity for discussion about studies and career options, getting opinions and ideas from an experienced person, discussing different possibilities and to give and get feedback.

Each new student meets their academic advisor already during the orientation week. Thereafter, the academic advisor usually invites the student for an individual meeting at least twice every year: each autumn and each spring. It is possible to organize more individual meetings, if needed. Academic advisors often arrange group meetings as well.

Academic advisors encourage the students in their studies and career plans. They follow the study progress, motivate, and offer support and advice. The student’s goals and study plan (HOPS) are a good basis for an individual meeting.

Topics for an academic advising discussion are e.g.:

  • student’s life, wellbeing
  • learning goals, study plan
  • general study matters (course selection, minor, elective studies, etc.)
  • progress of studies
  • master’s thesis
  • future plans, career options
  • other matters the students are interested in

Academic advising is a part of a proactive safety net at the School of Chemical Engineering. In other words, the academic advisors report the meetings that have taken place to the Learning Services. If a student does not meet their academic advisor, the Learning services will contact them.

If you are not sure, who is your academic advisor, please, contact your planning officer.

Why should I earn my degree within the target time?

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