Our strategy

Get involved in strategy work

We appreciate the expertise and vision of both our community and our stakeholders. Therefore you are always welcome to contribute to our living strategy and discuss about the topics that are important for our community. Here you can find the ways to give your input and ideas on the future of our university.
People at Aalto University community event on strategy in March 2019, photo Mikko Raskinen

How to get involved as Aalto community member? 

To support our living strategy process and to strengthen our community spirit, we have established an opportunity to have open online conversations in connection to aalto.fi news. Participation requires signing in with your Aalto ID. 

Conversations can be linked to the annual planning process of the university and schools, and input can be used to support decision-making and planning. Conversations can also be started to gather ideas and to network with people around Aalto. The producer of each news article is responsible for explaining how the input is used and facilitating the discussion. 

All ongoing conversations

Date of publishing
Latest activity
Blow the whistle on energy guzzlers on the campus of Aalto University!
Date of publishing
Latest activity
23.1.2023 13:12
Coping with darkness: tips from eight Aaltonians
Date of publishing
Latest activity
15.11.2023 14:23
How would you spend 13 000 euros for students' wellbeing? Leave your suggestion!
Date of publishing
Latest activity
24.9.2022 20:57
One euro for every student—how should Aalto University spend it? Submit your ideas by 30.5.2021
Date of publishing
Latest activity
30.5.2021 23:58
Preparing for rolling blackouts at the Otaniemi campus
Date of publishing
Latest activity
13.2.2023 14:25
Share your ideas for the Aalto University Equality Plan 2022–2024
Date of publishing
Latest activity
4.6.2021 22:05
Suggest how you would use 13,000 eur for the wellbeing of Aalto University students!
Date of publishing
Latest activity
8.9.2023 10:48
Students studying at the Harald Herlin Learning Centre

How to get involved as a stakeholder?

We appreciate the expertise and vision of both our community and our stakeholders, and therefore you are always welcome to contribute to our living strategy. As a stakeholder, you can participate by answering a short questionnaire.

Aalto University - Towards a better world, video

Link to the questionnaire (for Aalto stakeholders)

You can also share your insight by email [email protected].

Thank you for your contribution! 

Related news

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Award-winning director Emilia Hernesniemi at the helm of documentary on radical creativity for Aalto University

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Aalto University’s academic results remained on a good level in 2022 despite declining funding

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