Other studies

ARTS Internships in Finland

This page has information on internships and internship support in Finland for School Arts, Design and Architecture students

The Aalto School of Art and Design (ARTS) supports professional development of ARTS students by allocating internship support for bachelor’s and master’s degree students for internships in Finland. Internships in Finnish embassies and permanent representations around the world are included in this support.

The support is allocated as internship vouchers, meaning that the students receive salary from the employer during the internship, and the employer bills Aalto for the support once the internship is over. The support is paid to the employer. The students are required to apply for an internship voucher before the internship begins, and write a report after the internship is over.

The internship support amounts to 600€/month, and can be allocated for 1-3 months. This means that the maximum amount of the support is 1800€, even if the internship is longer than 3 months.

In order to be eligible for a voucher, the intern and the employer of the internship need to meet the conditions listed below. Check whether you are eligible for a voucher from the first list, and keep the second list in mind when you are discussing the support with a potential employer.

Please note that there are differences between different schools in the procedures related to internship grants and internship support. The budget and the amount of support allocated depends on funds of schools. We reserve the rights to changes. In unclear situations, please contact us.

Contact Information

 Hanna Karkku

Hanna Karkku

Planning Officer
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