
Universities published 12 ambitious theses and intend to become leaders in sustainable development

The thesis package contains extensive recommendations for measures to be taken in teaching, research, administration, societal impact and funding model of universities.
Violetti Unifi-banneri, jossa kuvattu numeroita, joiden päällä erilaisia graafisia kuvia, esim. avain ja suurennuslasi

Carbon neutrality by 2030, sustainable development at the heart of strategies, and strong support for the Finnish Government's climate and biodiversity goals. All of the above is included in the plans of Finnish universities through mutual theses on sustainable development and responsibility, which have been published today.

The thesis package contains extensive recommendations for measures to be taken in teaching, research, administration, societal impact and funding model of universities. The theses have been prepared by a working group of Unifi, which includes all universities and the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL).

‘The shared theses support Aalto University’s current sustainability work and also challenge us to develop new practices. The theses are also very current and useful to us, as shaping a sustainable future is at the core of our new strategy’, says Vice President Ossi Naukkarinen.

Unifi:sustainable development thesis

Teeseissä listataan keskeisiä toimenpiteitä, joihin yliopistot aikovat viipymättä ryhtyä. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi kestävyyden ja vastuullisuuden perusteiden tuominen kaikkiin opintoihin, päästöjen vähennystavoitteet, määrätietoinen syrjinnän kitkeminen ja kestävyysajattelun sisällyttäminen kaikkeen toimintaan johtamisjärjestelmistä rekrytointikriteereihin ja tutkimushankkeiden arviointiin. Jokainen yliopisto edistää näitä tavoitteita itselleen luontevimmassa järjestyksessä. Keskeistä on, että toimet ovat vaikuttavia ja vuodelle 2030 luotu visio saavutetaan.

‘With this ambitious plan, universities strongly support the climate and biodiversity goals of the Finnish Government and the European Union. Research and education play a key role in ideas on how to make Finland carbon neutral by 2035 or how to become a pioneer in the circular economy. We hope that the theses will also create strong cooperation with decision-makers and other operators in society’, says Keijo Hämäläinen, Chairman of the Finnish Council of University Rectors UNIFI.

More information:

Read Unifi’s press release in full here >>

UNIFI’s theses on sustainable development and responsibility >>

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A student taking a book from a shelf in Aalto University's library.


Aalto-University's purpose is to shape a sustainable future. At Aalto, we create solutions that enable well-being within the planetary boundaries.

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