
Towards the transition from the academic world to the professional world

Accounting Masters students had the opportunity to tackle real-life business challenges in the CAPSTONE course in accounting
Accounting capstone course winners
Students Veikko Talvitie (left), Krista Alanen, and Rasmus Varjoranta, Panu Routila, Klaus Majanen, Pia Santavirta, student Ville Lassila, Esa Koponen, Teemu Malmi, and Mirel Leino-Haltia

The CAPSTONE course in accounting taught by Professor of Practice Mirel Leino-Haltia and Professor of Practice Panu Routila was held between February and April this year (2024). This Master's level course at the School of Business consisted of lectures, workshops and group work. The course included one major project, which students worked on in groups of 4–5 members. 

The course was designed to improve career preparation and preprofessional development of accounting majors; i.e., to facilitate the transition from the academic to the professional world. The case partners this spring were Laitilan Wirvoitusjuomatehdas, Tesi, Indufor, Boardman, Azets Insight, Patria, Fortaco, Aro Systems, Grano, and Fifax.

“Green Investments in Finland” project judged the best

The project work ”Green Investments in Finland” completed for Tesi (Suomen Teollisuussijoitus Oy) was judged the best Capstone case in Spring 2024. Tesi is a market-driven private equity and venture capital investor and market developer.

‘The task was to dive into the extremely current topic of industrial-scale green investment market in Finland. Our case study for example included market review of current green investment projects in Finland, benchmarking the successful cases in Sweden as well as discussing what could be the government's and especially Tesi's role in funding these potential projects at each investment phase,’ Ville Lassila from the winning team says. Other student members in the Tesi team were Krista Alanen, Veikko Talvitie, and Rasmus Varjoranta.

‘Thanks to Tesi's Managing Director Pia Santavirta, Investment Director Esa Koponen, and Senior Analyst Klaus Majanen for great collaboration and help and feedback during the weeks,’ students say.

Accounting capstone prize
The prize board

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Department of Accounting & Business Law

The Department of Accounting is one of the leading research faculties in the Nordic region.

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