
The pricing for electric car charging will be adjusted on Otaniemi campus and Aalto Töölö

The pricing for electric car charging is changing beginning from 19.12.2022. The overall increase in electricity prices affects the charging expenses as well.
Sähköauto Zoe

Due to the continuously climbing electricity prices during the ongoing winter, prices for charging electric vehicles have to be increased in the charging points of Otaniemi campus and Aalto Töölö. The price increase is temporary: prices will be lowered when there is a possibility and the price of electricity falls. The price of charging an electric vehicle on campus is aimed to be similar to the expenses from the electricity consumed, and no profit is pursued from charging electric vehicles.

The new price from Monday 19.12.2022 onwards will be 0,5€/kWh. Pricing info on the charging points will be changed already during Friday the 16th.

The parking time restriction at the charging points is currently 3h. Please park in the charging spaces only when you are charging your vehicle.

Going onward, new charging points are installed on a yearly basis around the campus. Development ideas considering new or existing charging infrastructure or questions can be submitted to [email protected].

Information about the charging points and practical matters concerning charging is given by Plugit, [email protected]

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