
The Millennium Youth Prize finals in autumn 2020

A competition for young people to solve challenges connected to sustainability
Millennium Youth Pirze Aalto University photo by Aino Huovio

The Millennium Technology Prize is awarded for innovations that enhance the quality of life on our planet. In the spirit of that competition, Aalto University and the Technology Academy Finland (TAF) are, for the second time, running the Millennium Youth Prize competition for innovators who are 19 years of age or younger.

Similar to last year, Aalto University professors give four global challenges related to sustainability and participants are asked to present viable solutions to these.

Challenges given by Aalto University professors below. (English subtitles can be added in the videos from the settings button.)

Participants can send their solutions as either written reports, videos, prototypes or any combination of these. The assessment criteria are scientific rigour, creativity, innovativeness and viability.

The first prize is €5 000, second prize is €3 000 and the third prize is €2 000.

Millennium Youth Prize for young innovators

19-year-olds or younger.

We want to inspire young people to engage with technology and innovation. We believe they have the keys to a better future for all of us. There are many different solutions to current global challenges.

The competition is running.

A panel of experts from Aalto University and TAF will assess the solutions and choose the finalists. The competition final and prize ceremony will be held on October 9th 2020 in virtual format from the Aalto University campus. More information forthcoming.

#Mil­len­ni­umTech­nol­o­gyPrize #Mil­len­ni­umY­outh­Prize

More information:
[email protected]

Phtoto: Aalto University / Aino Huovio

(English subtitles can be added in the videos from the settings button.)

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