
Success for Aalto in EU funding

Aalto University received approximately EUR 76 million in research funding distributed by EU's 7th Framework Programme.

The Framework Programme concluded at the end of 2013.

A total of 182 Aalto University projects received funding, and nearly 20% of applications were accepted. The acceptance rate was higher than the average for all Finnish universities (16%).  Aalto University increased its funding in the final year by 32 percent (June 2013 - June 2014).

Aalto University was successful in getting quality-based funding from the European Research Council (ERC). Aalto was in 59th place among European universities in the number of ERC projects in the period of the whole Framework Programme.

The information is contained in a report published by Tekes examining Finland's participation in the 7th Framework Programme.

The 7th Framework Programme has brought a total of EUR 867 million in funding to Finland, and it is expected that the figure will rise to more than 900 million. The amount of funding granted to universities was EUR 359 million. Finland's success has been especially strong in information and communications technology, medicine, nanotechnology and materials science. Of all European countries, Finland has received the fifth largest amount of funding in proportion to the population.

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