
Professor Matti Kummu: How to provide enough sustainable food for all?

'Countries have different opportunities to reach sustainability in food supply, but a global U-turn is needed', he emphasises.

Matti Kummu

Matti Kummu was appointed as associate professor with tenure in the Department of Built Environment as of 1 September 2019. The field of his professorship is water engineering.

Kummu’s main research interest lies in the interactions between human population and natural resources on a global scale, over space and time. Together with his team and international collaborators, his main research aim at the moment is to assess globally what are the potential food system opportunities to provide of healthy and sustainable food globally for a growing population. He is fascinated by beautiful graphs and maps, illustrating new important scientific findings.

Kummu received his Doctor of Science degree in hydrology and water resources research in the former Helsinki University of Technology, in 2008. He was appointed to an Assistant professor at Aalto University in 2013. During his postdoc and tenure track period in Aalto University, Kummu has been a visiting scholar in various universities including ETH Zurich, University of Umeå, University of Zurich and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He has held a Postdoctoral Researcher position of the Academy of Finland (2013-2016) and was awarded an ERC consolidator grant in 2018.

Matti Kummu

Matti Kummu

T213 Built Environment

Tenured Professors' Installation Talks

In the short videos, the new tenured professors present their own field and research.

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Installation Talk, photo: Minna Pajari
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