
Prodeko Purpose Hackathon aims to save the planet

As well as aiming to fix the programmer shortage, topics on the 5 April event will also include the accountability of the construction industry, climate change, and the net impact of companies.
Prodeko-seminaari 2018. Kuva: Olli Kiikkilä.
Prodeko seminar 2018. Image: Olli Kiikkilä.

The keynote speakers at the Prodeko seminar will be Mikko Kosonen, the President of the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra and the Chair of the Aalto University Board; Annu Nieminen, the CEO of the Upright Project; and Jussi Aho, the CEO of Fira. The seminar will be held in Finnish.

In his speech, Kosonen will examine the development of meaningful business activities during the last ten years from the viewpoint of Sitra. Nieminen will talk about her company’s way of modelling social net impacts of businesses; and Aho will address the emerging economic and public health problems of poor building stock and talk about a way to solve the problem by shifting towards ethically sustainable and transparent operations.

In addition, a Prodeko Purpose Hackathon will be organized during the seminar. In the hackathon, participants will work in small groups to brainstorm solutions to food waste, wellbeing at work and the programmer shortage. The hackathon challenges have been created by three startups: Fiksu Ruoka – which specialises in the consumer sales of surplus batches of food; Meru Health – which runs a digital clinic for mental health; and Junction – which organises hackathons and promotes programming.

Heikki Koponen will also give a speech about Prodeko’s projects and courses related to lifelong learning. Professor Timo Vuori will give a speech in which he will explain how ecological values are taken into consideration in the new strategy process of Aalto University.

The seminar begins at 12 pm in the Undergraduate Centre’s seminar hall U2, Otakaari 1. The part of the seminar that is open to all ends at 16.15.


12.15 Jussi Aho: Accountability in construction business activities
12.45 Annu Nieminen: Social net impacts of businesses
13.15 Heikki Koponen: Lifelong learning
15.15 Mikko Kosonen: Meaningful development of business activities
15.45 Timo Vuori: Ecological values in the strategy process of Aalto University

This will be the fourth Prodeko seminar, and it will be organised in cooperation with the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management and the alumni and members of the Prodeko guild.

Further information:

Tua Videman
Student of Industrial Engineering and Management
Aalto University
[email protected]
tel. +358 (0)40 4190307

Risto Rajala
Professor and Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Aalto University
[email protected]
tel. +358 (0)40 3538140

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Photo: Tima Miroschnichenko, Pexels.
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