
Posti is the latest Premium Partner for the School of Business and the first backer of Learning Hub

Posti supports the new learning centre, the Rooftop Learning Hub.
Design Manager Tommi Kantola and Communications Manager Anne Huhtala tell students about postage stamp design.

Posti has been a partner of the School of Business as of 1.1.2015. Collaboration was officially launched on 12 February at an event held at the Töölö campus Learning Hub, where Posti introduced itself to the students and staff of the school. Posti is the first collaborative partner with a contract that also includes support for Learning Hub's premises.

'In practice, the three-year contract means that Posti is involved in the School of Business´ Premium Partner partnership programme. It was agreed that the programme would make it possible, if necessary, to coordinate other cooperative activities that Posti has with other Aalto University schools. We are pleased to welcome Posti to the sphere of cooperation', says Anne Salonvaara of the School of Business Corporate relations.

Instead of having a lecture hall named after the partner, which is normally included in a partnership agreement, Posti wanted to put its support behind the new Rooftop Learning Hub located on the 5th floor of the main building of the School of Business. Sofas of the Hub now have orange Posti cushions, and other Posti-related items can be found in the room.

'By supporting Learning Hub we want to have an active presence in the everyday lives of students. It was natural to arrange the opening event of our cooperation here and to give students more extensive information about Posti', says HRD Manager Elvira Vainio, who is responsible for the cooperation on Posti's side.

In its event at the Learning Hub, Posti launched its activities at four different points describing, among other things, how the new Posti brand was selected and what the intended message is. There was also information about summer jobs available for students of business. There was also an opportunity to learn about new innovations in postage stamp design, including scents and sound effects.

'We joined the partnership programme of the School of Business because it is important for Posti to stay with the times and to get to the sources of fresh points of view and the latest information', Elvira Vainio says and continues: 'For our part we make the extensive skills and knowledge of Posti as an expert in the field of logistics, for instance, available to the School of Business.'   

Through the partnership programme, companies will get the chance to engage in long-term collaboration with the School of Business in many different areas. Developing an image of an employer, taking part in teaching, research cooperation - for instance in connection with student projects - and acting as a visiting lecturer are all examples of possible forms of cooperation.

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