
Pop-up restaurant with zero budget

IDBM students created a new way to enjoy food in a social manner as a course kickoff project.
Aalto students created a pop-up restaurant for one evening. Photo Sara Chen

On Tuesday 27.9, the first year International Design Business Management (IDBM) master's programme students organised a dinner experience as part of their first course, Creative Teamwork. This kickoff course was designed to bring together the group and familiarise the students with working in multidisciplinary teams.
The course posed an ambitious challenge: create a pop-up restaurant starting with zero budget and only one week until the main event. Flavour Studio at Teurastamo graciously provided the venue for the dinner, but the rest of the dinner was up to the IDBM team.

The team created a 3 course menu. Photo Ellinoora Rustholkarhu

The end result was LOST, an unforgettable experience wrapped around a crafted 3 course dinner menu. LOST is about re-imagining ourselves and building new communities and experiences to rediscover the common element that unites people together.

Walls were first put up and then taken down in order to create isolation. Photo Ellinoora Rustholkarhu

‘Walls put up by culture and language allow us to wrap up our identities and find ourselves alienated among our fellow selves. We used dividers separating the guests to symbolically create an isolated feeling, and with each course, a set of walls were removed until the room was all together for dessert’, Rasmus Lönnqvist, a spokesperson for IDBM ’16 class, says.

The guests, consisting of IDBM alumni, faculty and partners, described the evening as intimate and a new way to enjoy food in a social manner. 

‘After this amazing kickoff for the new IDBM class, we are definitely ready to create some great things in the near future’, Lönnqvist says.

The International Design Business Management (IDBM) master's programme is a joint offering between the Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture, School of Science and School of Business.

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