
Kemira donates €250 000 to Aalto University

The company’s objective is to support the high standard of research and education in fields that are important to it.

Kemira’s Board of Directors has decided to donate €250 000 to the foundation capital of Aalto University. The company wants to contribute to the developing of top-level expertise in Finland and building of future competitiveness.

Through collaboration with higher education institutions, Kemira aims to support the high standard of research and education important from the company’s perspective, the creation of sufficient competence base as well as recruitment of new experts. Kemira also regards the collaboration as an opportunity to form international networks between universities, companies and other communities.

– The key research areas of those universities that we have supported are well in line with Kemira’s strategy. We offer expertise that improves our customers’ resource efficiency, knowledge about applications and chemicals. We also want to promote digitalisation, which provides yet more intelligent management and monitoring services. With these services, we can connect our customer’s process management to our global network of application specialists, our expertise in chemistry as well as the appropriate products and technologies. Therefore, it is natural for us to support those who carry out research on themes in resource effectiveness and digitalisation and educate the future experts,’ says CTO at Kemira Heidi Fagerholm.

– Our founding universities before Aalto already collaborated with Kemira for decades. Close collaboration continues, especially in digitalisation and chemistry, in which Aalto University has strong expertise. We would like to express our warm thanks to our long-time collaboration partner for this valuable donation, says President Tuula Teeri.

Kemira also donated €200 000 to the foundation capital of Åbo Akademi.

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