
Kahvit näppikselle -podcast’s second season guests are top researchers in the field of technology

Aalto University Department of Computer Science's podcast 'Kahvit näppikselle' continues on 17 Sep with new episodes. Our podcast host Risto Sarvas will discuss various technology-related topics with researchers from Aalto University, the University of Helsinki, and the Finnish Centre for Artificial Intelligence FCAI.
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The new season has eight episodes. Guests include, among others, mathematician Pauliina Ilmonen, neuroscientist Hanna Renvall, and machine learning researcher Arno Solin.

The Kahvit Näppikselle -podcast asks what technology can teach us about the world, relationships, and ourselves, and explains in an entertaining way how technology plays a key role in solving different kinds of problems. It shows how computer science is involved in basically everything. The language of the podcast is Finnish. 

Read more in Finnish.

Listen the first season of 'Kahvit näppikselle'!

Kahvit näppikselle computer science podcast cover illustration

Spotify: Kahvit näppikselle (external link)

Computer science podcast in Spotify (in Finnish)

Kahvit näppikselle computer science podcast cover illustration

Apple podcasts: Kahvit näppikselle (external link)

Computer science podcast in Apple podcasts (in Finnish)

Read more about season 2 guests


Assistant Professor in Machine Learning Arno Solin nominated for Young Academy Finland

Young Academy Finland has selected Arno Solin as a member for the four-year period of 2021-2025.

Hanna Renvall. Photo: Jaakko Kahilaniemi.

Hanna Renvall: Being a professor and working in the emergency room at the same time teaches ‘what kinds of questions our research should seek to answer’

Hanna Renvall has a shared professorship at Aalto University and the Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District (HUS), she serves as Director at the BioMag laboratory and is also the Deputy Director of the Philomela choir

Kun tietotekniikan laitoksen uusi apulaisprofessori Elisa Mekler teki väitöskirjaansa, pelillistämisen tutkiminen psykologisesta, teoreettisesta näkökulmasta motivaatioteorioita hyödyntäen oli uutta. "Sitä ei yksinkertaisesti tehty aikaisemmin", Mekler sanoo.

Assistant Professor Elisa Mekler: Gaming can help to cope with difficult life situations and improve one’s wellbeing

Elisa Mekler found out in her recent study that video games might help people to cope with difficult life situations, which offers a new challenge to game designers

Janne Lindqvist seisoo mustassa puvussa taustallaan Aallon A-kirjainvalotaulu ja valotaideteos seinällä

Janne Lindqvist is the first person in Finland to receive a Mozilla Research Grant – supports making the internet a better place

The Mozilla Foundation awards researchers with unrestricted gifts, which makes them highly competitive

Pauliina Ilmonen rakentaa tornia lego-palikoista kuvattuna työhuoneessaan. Kuva: Heidi-Hanna Karhu.

Everyday choices: Pauliina Ilmonen, can you tolerate uncertainty?

Ilmonen, Assistant Professor of Statistics, would not shun risks even if cattle started falling down from the sky.

Hands holding a smartphone that displays a map application

Finns’ use of data is growing rapidly and increasing electricity consumption in the entire ICT sector

The use of mobile data is growing fast in Finland, compared to other countries, reveals a recent report

Department of Computer Science
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