Aalto JobTeaser- Recruit a student
We help employers recruit Aalto University students by publishing work and internship adverts as well as thesis and project assignments in Aalto JobTeaser.
After the pilot year we have now replaced the Aalto CareerWeb with JobTeaser in November 2020. JobTeaser consists of job and internship ads, events, articled on job hunting and career planning, information on internship grants, etc. But it also gives us new tools for managing and promoting events.
You can place your advert in JobTeaser using two ways: if you want to promote your job only for Aalto students, you can use the Aalto University form OR if you want to publish your job advert also in eight other Finnish universities in Aarresaari network, you can use our joint form.
Advertising your open positions is still free of charge, but there is also a JobTeaser partnership available if you need wider visibility in Finland or Europe within students.
More information
We help employers recruit Aalto University students by publishing work and internship adverts as well as thesis and project assignments in Aalto JobTeaser.