
In-Between conference is open for registration

The conference takes place over four days and in two locations: April 14th to 17th in Helsinki, Finland and Stockholm, Sweden

The task of this conference is to map, investigate and contest art and its education as sociopolitical practices in the contemporary Nordic societies. Although the Nordic countries are still, at least partially, drawing from the ideals of the welfare state in their cultural and educational politics, the pressures to reform and rethink the Nordic social democracy are constantly growing. 

The main question that the conference aims to tackle is: What does it mean to politicize art and its education in a post-welfare state and what does the Nordic context bring in to this discussion?

This question is approached through three, interconnected themes:

1) Art & Its Education: What kind of art education theories and practices can help us to approach the lateness of the current welfare state critically? How to understand the sociopolitical promise and function of art education in such context?

2) Art & Its Institutions: What are the challenges that a socially engaged and political art encounters in the late welfare state? What kind of alternatives imaginaries, if any, could art engender?

3) Art & Its Society: How can we frame political theorization of art and its education in the contemporary social and political landscape? How to understand political action in such context?

We invite academics, artists, teachers, curators, and activists from various backgrounds to attend this international and multidisciplinary conference. The conference takes place over four days and in two locations: 1,5 days in Helsinki, Finland and 1,5 days in Stockholm, Sweden and is free of charge. The program consists of invited keynote speakers, presentation panels, discussions groups, and artistic activities, curated by Checkpoint Helsinki and Tensta Konsthall. 

In-Between is organized by Aalto University, Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design and Iceland Academy of the Arts together with Checkpoint Helsinki and Tensta Konsthall. The project is supported by Nordplus Horizontal Program on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

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