
Iiris Saittakari’s doctoral dissertation awarded

Postdoctoral researcher Iiris Saittakari’s dissertation "The Location of Headquarters: Why, When and Where are Regional Mandates Located?” was awarded as the best dissertation in the Aalto University School of Business in 2018.
Kauppakorkeakoulun Vuoden väitöskirjatutkija Iiris Saittakari
Iiris Saittakari. Photo: Milja Koski

Iiris Saittakari was also nominated as one of the four finalists for the prestigious Dissertation Award 2019 by Academy of Management IM Division. All four finalists were invited to present their doctoral dissertation at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Boston in August. The winner was Caroline Witte from Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Iiris Saittakari defended her dissertation in May 2018. She examines in her dissertation regional headquarters’ location and its dynamics. The study is largely based on longitudinal data of 375 regional headquarters located in Finland. Only 60 percent of the regional headquarters located in Finland in the 1990s had been able to retain the headquarters responsibilities either fully or partly by 2010. Especially large and sales oriented Finnish subsidiaries were able to retain their responsibilities as regional headquarters. Regional headquarters had often been relocated closer to Russia, Baltics, or Poland. Many regional headquarters had also been relocated from Finland to Sweden.

'Research on headquarters located in Finland continues in upcoming years due to funding we have received for our HQ location project, says Iiris Saittakari. 'All foreign firms’ headquarters located in Finland will be identified and their role and relocation between different countries will be examined.' Saittakari highlights that the location of headquarters has a significant impact on the country in which it is located. 'Such offices offer well-paid jobs and development contributions. The countries also benefit from a good reputation as a target of investment, which is why there is competition among target countries.'

Iiris Saittakari’s dissertation is available at:

Further information:
Iiris Saittakari
[email protected]
tel. +358 45 673 4631

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