How will Finland benefit from the energy transition?
The current energy transition brings about lots of new business opportunities. Simultaneously, the prospects of business based on fossil fuels and energy inefficient solutions are impaired. The more flexibly each company and nation can divest uncompetitive business activities and get a hold on the new growing markets, the better they will perform in the energy transition.
The business transition that follows the energy transition will advance rapidly and it will affect many companies and fields of business in various ways. Consequently, the Smart Energy Transition (SET) project coordinated by the Aalto University School of Business has underlined the need for change analyses on the level of companies and product groups. The SET project has opened the New Energy Companies website ( in order to provide a tool for collecting, conveying and analysing information. The website provides grouped information about approximately 250 Finnish energy sector operators that promote the development of smart and clean energy production and consumption.
The Smart Energy Transition project operators will develop the website and update the companies’ information until the year 2020. Then the three-year extension of the research project funded by the Strategic Research Council (SRC), which is led by Professor Armi Temmes, ends. SRC’s funding instrument supports socially significant and impactful high-level science. Cooperation between knowledge producers and knowledge users is a central feature of all projects receiving the funding.
New Energy Companies (Uuden energian yritykset) website
Further information:
Read previous news on the SET project
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