
Honorary Doctorate surprised at Ceremonial Conferment

Hans Niemantsverdriet from Holland was awarded an honorary doctorate at a joint ceremonial conferment of Doctoral Degrees.
Hans Niemantsverdriet, Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology, Holland

He is professor of Physical Chemistry of Surfaces at Eindhoven University of Technology

‘The award of an honorary doctorate from such a prestigious institution as Aalto University is an exceptional honour. I was extremely happy and touched when I heard the news,’ said Professor Niemantsverdriet.

Professor Niemantsverdriet is the chairperson of Aalto University School of Chemical Technology’s scientific research group. He had a significant role in the development of the school and in shaping its strategic action plan.

His family and colleagues were also pleased for him. He got a surprise as soon as he arrived in Finland as his three daughters and their friends had travelled in secret in order to surprise him.

‘The surprise was complete because my daughters had agreed with the organisers to take part in all the celebrations, even dinner. It was really wonderful to share one of the high points of my life with my family,’ said a delighted Professor Niemantsverdriet.

The surprises did not end there, as three of Professor Niemantsverdriet’s close colleagues also took part in the ceremony as well as the president and one of the vice-presidents from his own university. In addition, the Ambassador of the Netherlands in Helsinki, Henk Swarttouw, also participated in the ceremony.

‘And all this for one simple professor.  I am really grateful,’ enthused Professor Niemantsverdriet.

The schools of technology celebrated the 80th anniversary of conferment ceremonies in technology at Otaniemi on 10 October 2014. At the ceremony, 346 Doctorates of Technology and ten honorary doctorates were conferred. This is the second time the schools of technology have organised a joint ceremony to confer doctoral degrees. The participating schools were the School of Engineering, the School of Chemical Technology, the School of Science and the School of Electrical Engineering.

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