
From 1992 to 2018 - Thank you ARENA!

14 November 2018 will be remembered as a special day in the history of the School of Business as this was the last time the ARENA career fair was held in the Töölö campus.
Kuvassa on opiskelijoita ARENA-rekrytointimessuilla.

This year, the ARENA career fair was held for the 27th and final time, as the School of Business main building moves to Otaniemi in February 2019. On the day of the career fair the School of Business was once again filled with students and employers’ exhibition stands. In her opening speech Aalto University’s Provost Kristiina Mäkelä thanked the employers for their active participation in the career fair over the years. She also emphasised how important it was in the future for the students to be able to continue to meet potential employers in the Otaniemi campus.

Annemari Rautio from the career and recruitment services at the School of Business has helped organise the career fair for the past 10 years. She revealed to those who were present at this year’s fair that although the ARENA career fair was now ending, there was already something new planned for next year.

‘For the first time we will be organising a similar event for all the students of Aalto University.’

A long tradition had a worthy ending

The ARENA career fair has a long tradition as Finland’s biggest recruitment event in the field of economics. The first fair was organised in 1992; the same year that career and recruitment services started at the Helsinki School of Economics. This service was first of its kind in Finnish universities. Between 1992 and 2018, 231 different employers have exhibited at the fair. The figure would be even greater but some of the companies have merged over the years.

This year, there were 42 exhibition stands, including new international companies.

‘We wanted to come all the way from Norway to join the career fair as we’ve heard about the great potential and high expertise of Aalto University students’, said Layla Husmann, a recruiter for Equinor ASA Energy Company.

Something new for this year

Although this year was the final career fair, the programme that supports students’ job searches was accompanied by a new event of quick-mentoring. At this event our alumni sparred with current students about issues relating to careers and job searching.

‘Quick-mentoring was organised for the first time this year. Both students and alumni seemed very happy, so we are very likely to continue to carry out these kinds of events at the fair’, said Emilia Nevalainen, Alumni Relations Coordinator at the School of Business.

‘Employers and students were satisfied with the fair’, said Milja Koski, Strategic Events Coordinator at the School of Business. ‘Many of the employers present at the career fair said that ARENA always has a relaxed, positive atmosphere. The students think it is great that the companies are so easily approachable.’

What next?

At the end of the day, Ingmar Björkman, Dean of the School of Business, declared the ARENA fair as closed and the final ARENA after-party to have started. He urged everyone to direct their attention towards Otaniemi and the new School of Business and welcomed the employers to visit the school’s new building, which address has just been officially confirmed as Ekonominaukio 1.

Jonna Söderholm, Head of External Relations at the School of Business, also revealed a little more about Aalto University’s future recruitment fair.

‘Next year will again be historic as, under one roof the employers can meet students from all of the Aalto University’s schools. See you at the new career fair in Otaniemi in October next year!’.

Opiskelijoita yritysten ständeillä ARENA-messuilla Kauppakorkeakoulun päärakennuksessa
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